athome abortion
16-year-old girl describes horror of home abortion at 20-week gestation
Abortion industry and Congressional Democrats step up campaign to remove FDA rules protecting women who undergo chemical abortions
Ambulance call-outs for ‘DIY’ abortions dramatically increase since they were made legal
At-home abortions: A deadly trend
Complaint filed against student and doctor in Mexico for advising on how to abort at home
Federal Judge maintains injunction against rule protecting women undergoing chemical abortions
Leading international abortion provider admits 1 in 20 women have fragments of baby/placenta left inside them after medical abortion
Leading Scottish doctor outlines serious issues with ‘DIY’ home abortions
Majority of UK doctors concerned about abortion at home, survey says
Most Americans still oppose mail-order abortion pill distribution
MPs vote to make ‘DIY’ abortion permanently available
Normalizing text and WhatsApp abortions. What could go wrong?
Parliament member highlights “dangers” of making home abortion permanent in Scotland
Scotland: Zoom abortion consultations should end say doctors
South Dakota legislature ensures women will see a physician before undergoing a chemical abortion
Texas A&M student org promotes illegal abortion in ‘how-to’ workshop
UK government confirms return of pre-pandemic safeguards for abortion provision
UK pro-lifers urge authorities to end ‘cruel experiment’ of at-home medical abortions
Unfettered access to abortion pills means open season on unborn babies
“Self-care” that harms and kills: The WHO’s push to “demedicalize” abortion