Texas A&M student org promotes illegal abortion in ‘how-to’ workshop

Texas A&M student org promotes illegal abortion in ‘how-to’ workshop (Anna Shvets/Pexels)

(Texas Right to Life) An abortion workshop to teach students and employees how to kill preborn children with illegal abortion drugs was hosted by a official student group at Texas A&M University this week [week of Sept. 20, 2022].

Texas A&M University, one of Texas’ largest state-funded colleges, is home to a pro-abortion student group called “Medical Students for Choice” that advertised the virtual workshop on the university’s official website. The how-to workshop was taught by New York abortionist April Lockley. The university’s website explains that “students will learn the various ways individuals self-manage and self-source medication abortion.” Medical Students for Choice also promoted the illegal activity through a university email list.

Since Texas law now protects preborn babies and their mothers from abortion beginning at fertilization, abortion facilities have closed permanently or moved to New Mexico. However, most pro-abortion groups in Texas have shifted their focus to smuggling abortion drugs directly to pregnant women.

College students have been especially targeted by the abortion industry’s new scheme to subvert pro-life laws. The abortion industry is hoping to regain their lost revenue by shipping illegal abortion drugs to students’ dorms and apartments.

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Abortion drugs destroy a preborn baby’s life and cause dangerous side effects to women. Distributing and administering these drugs to cause an abortion at any stage in pregnancy is illegal in Texas.

Should Texas A&M allow illegal activity to be advertised on its email system and official website?

Medical Students for Choice is a recognized student organization openly violating university policy (24.4.12) by promoting the illegal use of drugs, since deadly chemical abortions are prohibited by Texas’ Pro-Life laws.

Pro-Life students, including Texas Right to Life Fellow and Pro-Life Aggies president, Grace Howat, were disturbed by the university’s involvement in the promotion of these life-ending drugs.

“The predation of the abortion industry on college students on our campus is reaching a new extreme, and this revelation of an official student organization unashamedly promoting illegal activity is quite horrifying,” Grace responded. “Pro-Life Aggies wants students on campus to know that there are resources available to help pregnant and parenting students so that they never feel they need to choose the destructive and medically unsafe choice of abortion.”

Tweet This: College students have been especially targeted by the abortion industry’s new scheme to subvert pro-life laws.

While the abortion industry promotes dangerous drugs for their own profit, the Pro-Life Aggies group hosts events and activities throughout the year to nurture and protect Life.

Pro-Life Aggies, an officially recognized student organization, awards thousands of dollars in scholarships to pregnant and parenting students each year, offers free childcare, and engages with peers to educate them on the truth about Life, abortion, and the resources available to students in difficult pregnancies.

Despite the group’s call for the destruction of human Life, pro-life students like Grace and the Pro-Life Aggies are more determined than ever to defend the innocent and vulnerable.

Texas A&M allows officially recognized student organizations to utilize the email Listserv and post invitations to their events without any approval or screening from the university. The university informed Texas Right to Life that they are investigating the event in response to complaints about the student organization’s promotion of illegal activity in violation of state law and university student conduct code.

Editor's note: This article was published by Texas Right to Life. Texas Right to Life has a petition asking Teas A&M to investigate the Medical Students for Choice group's promotion of abortion.

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