Big Abortion’s Big Fear

Big Abortion’s Big Fear

The Pregnancy Help Community must be doing something right. And Big Abortion must be flat out worried. 

As we work in our pregnancy help centers, medical clinics, maternity homes and adoption agencies, we can often lose sight of the big picture. Each day, we see crises, fears, even what we believe are failures. We easily miss out on major trends.

Here is a trend: The abortion industry is attacking us with greater frequency and greater fury. Folks, that’s a darned good sign.  

Tweet This: The #abortion industry is attacking with greater frequency and greater fury. #prolife #prolifegen

Recently, Rewire—a site created by the abortion industry--ran an article entitled Crisis Pregnancy Centers are Really Bad at Dissuading People Seeking Abortions. As Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey points out, the article took some statistics, played sleight-of-hand with the numbers and came up with the false conclusion that almost no one considering abortion chooses life at a pregnancy help center.

The story ran the day before another assault on our work during the TBS show, Full Frontal with Samantha BeeOn Full Frontal, Bee, Patton Oswalt and National Abortion Federation CEO Vicki Saporta took turns vilifying our work. Our editor Jay Hobbs takes the show apart here, and I’m reminded that no one from our community got an invite to give an alternate view.

Honestly, I’m getting a kick out of the whole thing.

As Jor-El says, if we’re so lousy at what we do, “Why run the article at all? Why not just let these ‘anti-choice’ hicks spend their money uselessly on ineffective outreach?”


The abortion apologists chirp endlessly about our methods. They create malicious articles, garner TV time and try every imaginable tactic to “alert” the world to who we are, where we are, what names we go by, what we offer (and what we don’t), how we dress and what we say to those who come in our door.

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Of course, about 98% of what they say about our methods and practices isn’t true. Whatever.

But guess what? Women (and men) keep coming our way. Some centers are seeing a major increase in numbers. And when it comes to numbers, abortion centers—like Planned Parenthood—are seeing theirs drop.

Aha. Now we know the reason behind the attacks.

Tweet This: When it comes to numbers, #abortion centers—like @PPFA—are seeing theirs drop. #prolife 

Our community is growing.  The abortion gang, even with gazillions in federal funding, the backing of Hollywood and the media, and health care mandates forcing new physicians to undergo abortion training, is diminishing.

They are ticked off. Angry. Frustrated. Unhinged.

Too bad. Tough toenails.

What’s fascinating is that one of the biggest attacks against us is that Pregnancy Help Centers and Clinics somehow hide our intentions. To them, we are “fake” clinics posing as abortion centers.

I’ve got some news for the abortion industry. We are not hidden from anybody. I love the fact that many of our centers have names that better reflect what we do. We don’t hide from the words “choice,” “options,” “hope,” or so many others.

Because it is we who provide choice—not just one service. We provide true options and we are the only place a woman or couple can hear all options in a non-judgmental, factual way.

And here is some news for all of us: Almost all who come in our door already know we lean toward life.

Tweet This: Almost all who come in our door already know we lean toward life. #prolife #prolifegen

The shocker for the abortion industry is that this is just fine for those who call on us, because while they are considering abortion as an option, they know—from their friends in the community—that we can be trusted to listen, to offer a positive alternative, and to be there for them regardless of their decision.

So they call. They text. They email. And they walk in our doors.

Sure, a few come in our doors thinking we may offer abortion. But they find out quickly that this is not part of our service structure. Yet they stay, because they see something different in us; a place where no one has a vested interest in their decision other than a desire to help. That’s attractive.  And that’s why we are winning.

And it is why Big Abortion is fearful.

They have no answers, so they attack. They are not done yet, I promise. They are only warming up. The abortion industry will ramp up its assault in legislatures, in courtrooms, in magazines, on radio and TV, on social media and wherever else it can be heard.

But those they most want to reach are not buying what they are selling as much as they used to. And as the Pregnancy Help Community grows, the trend toward life only accelerates.

It’s said that if a person is losing an argument on its merits, the desperate option is to yell louder. Big Abortion is getting louder all the time. This tells us they are afraid, very afraid. They ought to be.

Kirk Walden is a senior writer with Pregnancy Help News, an Advancement Specialist with Heartbeat International and author of The Wall. For banquet speaking engagements, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at Ambassador Speakers Bureau.

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