Dear Mr. Secretary:
Thank you for your willingness to take on this role and all that it entails. Your appointment has come with much criticism and skepticism since you were announced as the president’s choice for this position.
I have some concerns and requests as a member of the pro-life movement. You have never touted yourself as pro-life. In fact, you have called yourself pro-choice, at one point supporting full-term abortion and later backtracking to support abortion until fetal viability.
One year ago as an Independent candidate for president of the United States you said you were “willing to listen,” and stated the two “extremes,” of total abortion bans and no restrictions on abortions, were not what the American people wanted.
On your campaign Facebook page from 2024 you said:
“I support the emerging consensus that abortion should be unrestricted up until a certain point. But I also believe that we can reduce more abortions in America by choice than by force. This is at the heart of the ‘More Choices, More Life’ policy we’ve developed.”
I wonder what became of that policy.
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In your new role overseeing the nation’s health care, will you look closely at those “choices”?
There are many folks like me who work in the ministry of the “other choices.” Pregnancy centers. adoption programs, and maternity homes have been pushed aside and overlooked as part of a woman’s choice. In fact, Democrats declare these services as a “threat to reproductive freedom.”
Mr. Secretary, pregnancy centers threaten no one.
We, however, have been under attack.
We CHOOSE to provide resources and assist women with unplanned pregnancies in ways other than ending the pregnancy. When Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022 centers were vandalized and threats were made as mainstream media and leftist politicians called us “fake clinics,” and “anti-abortion centers.” Those pejoratives are still hurled at pregnancy help organizations.
Pregnancy centers offer FREE ultrasounds so the mother can view and often hear the baby’s heartbeat as early as six or seven weeks gestation. She can receive counseling about ALL of her choices as she navigates the planning process in her current circumstances. She can receive education on parenting and receive items for her baby such as cribs and car seats and diapers for free.
Simply because we do not refer for abortions, we are considered a “threat.”
Will you pledge to work to ensure that we are viewed as professional medical institutions and that we are protected?
Tweet This: Simply because pregnancy centers don't refer for abortions they're considered a threat- Will HHS Secy Kennedy work to see they're protected?
And while we are on that topic, why is it so easy to receive these chemical abortion pills – pills that destroy a baby with a heartbeat in a mother’s womb? Is the FDA accurate in declaring its safety? Do we ignore the deaths from the abortion pill over the last few years?
Mr. Secretary, I plead with you to please consider examining the FDA’s stamp of approval on this drug. Missouri, Idaho and Kansas are suing the FDA for removing safety measures.
The politics invading women’s health need to stop. For too long the Left has twisted the arms of federal agencies and caused false information to be put forth to Americans in order to meet its agenda. Leftist media outlets scramble to relay so-called “facts” from purported “professionals” regarding abortion, all the while portraying conservatives as uneducated and overly religious.
The Trump administration has so far proven to be in favor of slashing wasteful spending and revealing hidden truths. Let it be so for women and their children.
Mr. Secretary, for many of us, this is not about politics. This is about life versus death.
There is an option for women who take the first abortion pill and decide they have made a mistake. It is Abortion Pill Reversal. The process with APR is bioidentical progesterone replacing the natural progesterone depleted from that first abortion pill. It’s simple logic. And the fact is that to date, more than 6,000 babies have been saved through APR.
The science, however, has been refuted by leftist media backed by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and the Guttmacher Institute, both players in Big Abortion.
I ask that you review these studies on both chemical abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal. I ask that you take the time to meet with medical experts with the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and analyze the data for yourself.
And lastly, I ask that you take a fresh look at the biggest abortion provider in our nation, Planned Parenthood.
Recently the New York Times boldly exposed the botched abortions and lack of safety measures in this government-subsidized agency. According to USA Facts, more than 40 percent of the funding for this abortion non-profit comes from the federal government. If the New York Times is prepared to publish that blistering look at Planned Parenthood, shouldn’t we examine what is happening with the taxpayer funds given to this abortion giant?
Many assume that after the Dobbs ruling, the federal government is limited in terms of what it can do pertaining to abortion. I ask that you do what your position and the Constitution allows you to do to keep women and their unborn children safe.
You have four years to work at Making America Healthy Again. It is my hope that in the process you pull the blinders off of Americans on abortion and pregnancy help centers.
In a recent speech about your plans as Health and Human Services Secretary you stressed the need for transparency.
Pregnancy Centers are transparent in their purpose. APR is transparent in its purpose.
Reach out to us. We open our doors to you. We’d love to talk.
A life advocate who serves women in a pregnancy center.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by state AGs converning sharing information about APR.