Editor’s note: The following is an edited version of the seventh in a series of articles for pregnancy help organizations outlining techniques that abortion facility staff have used to deceive women seeking information to make a pregnancy decision. Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News.
Deception: “Chemical abortion is a one-way street…if you first choose abortion, you have no options. You must complete a medical process you no longer desire.”
Big Abortion and those in media and pseudo-medical organizations that work to expand abortion have actively worked to deceive women and the public at-large to believe that chemical abortion cannot be reversed.

but is alive and well thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network
who helped his mama.
They deceive women by boldly stating that if you take the first pill, there is no turning back. They claim that choice is something available only until you take the first pill. After that, they take away all other options.
What do abortion providers tell women about reversal?
Those working in the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network – the nurses answering the hotline, the providers evaluating the women, and those in pregnancy help clinics across the world – have heard time and time again the unfounded and unscientific answers given to women when they contact an abortionist for reversal information.
When a woman has regret and contacts her abortion provider, she is often told not to even try to save her pregnancy, that she will have a child with defects if she does, and she must complete the process she started.
These statements are not medically accurate or honest responses to her request, and they interfere with the free will of a woman who wishes to continue her pregnancy.
Tweet This: Statements that chemical abortion cannot be reversed are not medically accurate or honest

when her mom called the Rescue Hotline and was connected with a local
APRN medical professional. We are thankful for her life!
What is the truth?
Not only is reversal possible, but studies reveal that two-thirds of all babies survive if the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol is implemented.
Women always have the right to withdraw consent from any medical procedure they no longer desire. No ethical medical provider would override the choices of a patient. The will of women is not determined by the abortion industry, the media or those in so-called medical associations.
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What does the APRN Advisory Team of physicians say about abortion pill reversal?
• The APRN Advisory Team unanimously agree that progesterone is appropriate and effective, citing more than 50 years of safe use of that drug with pregnant women.
• They confirm Abortion Pill Reversal is a reasonable application of a time-tested, FDA-approved drug used effectively for decades to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth.
• They substantiate the use of the reversal protocol when women have regret which involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill.
How does Abortion Pill Reversal work?
The most common abortion cocktail involves two different chemicals to end a pregnancy - mifepristone and misoprostol. These are two different drugs given at two different times for two different purposes.
The first drug is mifepristone which works to lower progesterone to unsafe levels in pregnancy. Progesterone is an essential hormone in pregnancy and without it the pregnancy cannot survive.
More than half of all abortions in the U.S. are now chemical. When a woman experiences regret, we are able to offer her supplemental bio-identical progesterone to counteract the effects of that first drug and re-stabilize the pregnancy.
Progesterone works as an antidote to the first abortion drug and reversal is successful 68% of the time when oral progesterone is prescribed.
Abortion Pill Reversal triples chances of live birth compared to doing nothing after mifepristone to support the pregnancy.

This mama had regret after taking the first abortion pill, sought reversal through APRN
and is thankful for her beautiful child.
Does science support reversal of mifepristone?
A well-established, evidence-based natural hormonal therapy exists to turn back the artificial chemical process of mifepristone abortion. Reversal is based on well-established medical science and is safe for women.
This is an evidence-based procedure that is not new at all – it’s been utilized in similar pregnancy conditions for over five decades. Not only is progesterone undisputedly safe in pregnancy, but it is routinely used to protect pregnancies or treat related complications.
Both the mifepristone molecule and the progesterone molecule bind and release at particular sites in the placenta and ovary. The mifepristone molecule binds more tightly to the receptor, thereby blocking progesterone. Physicians know that an increased concentration of progesterone can displace mifepristone from the progesterone receptors.
What do we know about successful reversal?
• Birth defect rate is not increased and is statistically the same for children born after reversal (2.7%) and the general population (3%).
• Preterm delivery rate actually considerably lower 3% compared to 10% in the general population.
• These children are growing and reaching milestones just like other children. While once counted as an abortion statistic, they are loved and cherished by their families who know full well what they nearly lost.
• Statistics show that more than 3,000 lives have been saved and counting though the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

What’s the reality for women who attempt reversal?
The Abortion Pill Rescue Network has helped hundreds of mothers choose life for their babies, even after taking mifepristone. We’ve connected them to a network of caring doctors and nurses who are ready and able to help women who face these circumstances.
Women are often resourceful, intelligent beyond their years, emotionally strong, courageous and are often able to parent their children when given the chance. And women often regret their abortions. The Rescue Hotline receives many calls from abortion clinic parking lots or during the drive home after starting the abortion. They urgently want to make a different choice.
The women who have changed their minds after taking the first abortion pill and successfully reversed their chemical abortion frequently wish to share their joy in hopes of saving other moms from going through what they have in beginning a chemical abortion.

through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.
For those who were unsuccessful with reversal, they are typically thankful for the opportunity to try. Afterward, they start the healing process of grieving the short life of the child they carried.
Their personal accounts directly counter claims about Abortion Pill Reversal made by the abortion lobby.
Pregnancy help medical clinics across the U.S. and the world support women facing an unplanned pregnancy every day with compassion, spending time answering questions, offering support and patient education.
They educate about what medical and surgical abortion is and how the drugs and procedures work to end a pregnancy. They encourage all pregnant clients to have a scan at a pregnancy help clinic for accurate fetal heart rate and assessment of viability, placement, and dating prior to making a pregnancy decision. They allow them to see and hear their babies’ hearts beating. They dispel the myth that chemical abortion is a one-way street.
These invaluable pregnancy help organizations provide all the information needed to make an informed choice prior to a pregnancy decision – putting the woman and her needs first.