Today as we ponder the beauty and mystery of Christmas, we consider the topic of joy.
Scripture gives us a beautiful example of joy.
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Wiseman brought precious gifts through a long arduous journey and in Matthew 2 it says, "When they saw the star they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They saw the star and they were overjoyed. And then they celebrated by worshiping in gratitude.
You know it gives me pause to think about the many collective gifts that we have received this last year.
If you are at a pregnancy help organization perhaps you received gifts like eager volunteers, new community support, or new church connections that help you grow your reach.
Or perhaps you're thinking of personal gifts you've received this year, like the blessing of health and wellness, family and friends who support you, or connecting to ministries that support your interests and passions.
Each of these bring us joy as we recognize the gifts of God in our very own lives. I also think about the joy that exists.
I also think about the joy that is expressed in the thousands of faces of moms and dads who choose life for their children or find hope in Abortion Pill Reversal.
Tweet This: Joy is expressed in the thousands of faces of moms and dads who choose life for their children or find hope in Abortion Pill Reversal.
As they celebrate their first Christmas with a baby, the joy expressed on their faces radiates with the knowledge that they brought their babies into the world, despite the difficulties in life.
And the great news is, the pregnancy help community made it possible by helping them choose life.
And now, they can't imagine another choice.
As we focus on giving and receiving this season, the greatest gift, of course, is Christ, who brings us true and abundant joy.
We've been given a gift, and He is the Son of God. He is the source of the greatest joy we could ever experience.
Joy should be the constant in our lives no matter the circumstances. And today we recognize the gift of joy by celebrating the gift of a Savior.
God bless you this Christmas season.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by state AGs concerning sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal.