- 6,666 abortions performed in Ireland last year after repeal of pro-life law
- Babies with Down Syndrome Deserve Love, Not Eradication
- INSANITY: Pro-Abort Sites Hit Fainting Couches Over “Candlegate”
- Ireland elections 2024: Update on pro-life breakthroughs
- Ireland Takes Anti-Choice Stance Against Abortion Pill Reversal
- Ireland to Force Pro-life Pregnancy Centers and Doctors to Promote and Refer for Abortion
- Ireland Votes to Play God
- Irish midwife questions her role in abortions
- Live-Tweet All You Want, Abortion Is Not Health Care
- Media blackout on Ireland's latest abortion figures a clear attempt to hide the truth from the public
- Nearly 30,000 abortions in Ireland since referendum came into effect, pro-life group says
- One in six babies' lives end in abortion in Ireland latest official figures confirm
- Pro-lifers rally for the unborn at St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York City
- Pro-lifers react with dismay to news that Irish government plans to fine for praying near abortion clinic
- U.S. Leaders to Ireland PM: Uphold the 8th to Let Love Win
- We Stand with You: An Open-Letter to Ireland's Pregnancy Centers
- With over 10,000 abortions in 2023, Ireland breaks record