Abortion conglomerates would like you to believe Rebekah doesn’t exist.
Google doesn’t want you to know how her son was saved from an early death.
Abortion-subservient media and tech want the compassionate service of hundreds of medical practitioners kept secret.
The short film Thank you for Reaching and Rescuing Lives! gives visual evidence that people like Rebekah and her son are real, and that babies have a chance to be rescued by medical professionals from attempted chemical abortion and death. It is also a visual note of gratitude to from the mothers, babies, and nurses of Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN).
Chemical abortions are executed through a two-pill process. The first pill, mifepristone, is meant to be taken during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy to block the natural progesterone from sustaining the pregnancy. The next step in the process is to take misoprostol, which causes the woman to have uterine contractions and give birth to a dead baby.
There is, however, a safe, effective, life-saving treatment that can reverse the downward spiral to a baby’s death started by the first abortion pill; Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).
APR involves administering a bioidentical version of progesterone to combat the first abortion drug mifepristone.
It is an updated application of a treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage. If a woman acts quickly enough after taking the first abortion pill in initiating reversal, it may be possible to say her unborn child. To date, more than 2,500 lives and counting have been saved through the protocol, according to the APRN.
Heartbeat International’s APRN consists of approximately 1,000 medical providers and pregnancy help centers that administer APR and helps women who’ve started the chemical abortion process but realize they no longer want to end their baby’s life.
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To make sure women could find this service, Live Action placed ads for APR on Facebook and Google.
Unfortunately, in mid-September Google removed those life-saving ads, claiming they contained false information.
“I feel like Google wants to eliminate our stories and erase the importance of our children’s lives,” Rebekah, a mother featured in the film, said in a recent phone interview. Her son’s life was saved through the APR protocol.

Rebekah’s son is almost eight now. She says he likes baseball, football and superheroes, and has his “own unique personality. He loves being a big brother. I would have missed out on knowing him [without APRN] ...his teammates and classmates would have missed out on knowing him.”
The images of babies killed by abortion are usually hidden. This video shows the faces of babies who would have been missed in this world if their lives had been taken away through abortion.
In showing the babies and children that APR has given to the world, with clips of mothers holding their babies, displaying the pride and joy of motherhood, the video offers the audience a clear reminder of what abortion steals from women.
Amanda C., one of the APRN nurses interviewed in the film, writes in an email, “The women who call our hotline after taking the first abortion pill are filled with so much regret. They may have thought it was the right decision.”
“Yet, after they start the reversal and successfully go on to have babies, they are filled with so much joy,” she said. “They can’t imagine their lives without their babies.”
Immediately after taking the first abortion pill Rebekah realized she’d done something terrible. She now says, “Abortion wasn’t going to solve any of my problems.”
Rebekah felt she’d been duped. But she sensed God telling her, “Say, ‘Yes,’ to Me and I’ll make a way [for you to pursue your goals].”
She believed He wanted her to pause. She is so thankful she had another choice and that her baby had another chance because of the APRN.
“There are so many people who stand ready to do whatever they can to connect women in unplanned pregnancies with the resources and support they need to have their babies, or place them in a loving, adoptive home of their choosing,” added Amanda.
When asked about social media censors, Amanda said they are “denying real science and stories of real women and children who have been helped and saved by this procedure and network.”
“The APRN has saved over 2,500 babies’ lives,” she said. “Those children are alive today because their mothers took progesterone after they realized abortion was a mistake.”
For women who want to reverse the deadly effects of the first abortion pill, medically administered progesterone can help sustain the pregnancy and the life of the baby 64 – 68% of the time.
Amanda went on to explain, “Progesterone is a natural hormone that women normally make in their bodies during pregnancy to nurture and sustain the pregnancy [and] safely used since the 1950s.”
Rebekah describes her experience with the APR progesterone treatments as mostly positive, with no serious side effects, simply heightened pregnancy symptoms like what can come with original treatment to prevent miscarriage.
Amanda added, “People who say that APR is ‘dangerous’ or ‘unproven’ are ignoring the existing evidence that supports APR’s safety and efficacy and the growing evidence that it’s abortion that’s dangerous, not APR. The same people who get to freely advertise for abortion while censoring our work and mission – and calling what we do ‘hate speech’ are forgetting that abortion essentially hates (and kills) babies.”
She points out the hypocrisy of people who say that APR’s use of progesterone isn’t FDA approved. But progesterone is an FDA-approved drug, which APR uses off-label in a way very similar to its labeled use.
“Off-label prescribing happens all the time in medicine,” Amanda explained, “and the second abortion pill (misoprostol) is also not approved by the FDA for chemical abortion, yet it is standard procedure for abortionists.”
Big Tech and media say they base their censorship on science and on promoting “choice” for women. But Amanda sees that the opposite is happening.
“Anyone who wants to censor APR is denying evidence-based science and medicine, real health care, real choice, and real help for women,” she said. “The censorship and hypocrisy need to stop.”
Rebekah also sees that denying APRN online advertising prevents women from knowing the truth.
She said, “It’s not fair to take away choice – forcing women to complete an abortion. It’s cruel.”
Despite opposition, the APRN nurses continue to serve and answer calls from heartbroken mothers. They are grateful for all the support they have.
Amanda said, “It means so much to me and the rest of our team. We get so much backlash from the opposing side. We couldn’t do the work we do without the generosity, care, love and support from people who believe in our mission.”
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN).