Does abortion access need protection? It was believed by many that the overturn of Roe v. Wade was believed to limit abortion access. However, abortion is on the rise according to Guttmacher.
The Guttmacher Institute is the leading research organization among abortion advocates. Its report from 2023 estimates 1,037,000 abortions were performed in the U.S. This is an 11% increase from 2020.
Yet in an effort to expand abortion further, a group of state attorneys general have organized an effort to “protect access to abortion across our country.” Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell lead this.
Since abortion is legal in Massachusetts, and there are federal laws such as the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act to protect access to abortion, what protection is still needed?
According to the actions taken in Campbell’s state, the “protection” needed involves attacking the work of pregnancy help organizations.
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In the center of the battle is the Pregnancy Care Alliance of Massachusetts which released a statement explaining the state government’s would-be crackdown on pregnancy help.
“There is one reason why: Pregnancy resource centers threaten abortion industry bottom line,” the statement said.
The attack as promoted on videos and banners rolled out from the governor’s launch event claimed that pregnancy centers put women’s health at risk. These marketing tools guide women who need pregnancy or abortion care to what is promoted as “trusted” care which is only a link to abortion services.
Additionally, a website was established to encourage individuals to file civil rights complaints against pregnancy help organizations.
“Is a governor truly concerned about women’s health when she uses taxpayer money and resources to develop a website criticizing life-affirming pregnancy help organizations, while exclusively promoting abortion clinics as a resource?” Andrea Trudden, Vice President of Communications and Marketing for Heartbeat International asked.
“Every woman deserves compassionate care and support when facing an unexpected pregnancy,” Trudden said. “Pregnancy help organizations provide a safe place for women to talk about their options and provide valuable resources at no cost.”
Tweet This: Pregnancy help organizations provide a safe place for women to talk about their options and provide valuable resources at no cost.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) continues to study and report on the vital work of pregnancy help organizations, demonstrating the essential work and support these centers provide families.
Those who attack the charitable work of these ministries rely on the fabrication of narratives and hide behind rhetoric designed to confuse and conflate the issues.
“Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest,” Proverbs 26:2 (NIV).
The extensive June 10, 2024, press release from the Maura Healey-Kim Driscoll administration is a collective of emotional statements by the state leaders, members of the legislature and other abortion advocates. As the proverb above states there is a sort of foolishness to narratives built upon unwarranted censure.
The intensity of these causeless curses intended to devastate the work of individuals, not operating under a structure of profit but simply compassion, will in the end fail.
It will fail because the accusations are without merit. Their efforts to discredit much needed pregnancy help are an expression of impotent malice and it demonstrates their weakness in addition to their evil intent to spread a culture of death through abortion.
The proverb also promises the protection which comes to those who are indeed innocent. While the pregnancy help centers are maligned without cause, it will not be their undoing. No more harm than a bird swooping overhead.
Trudden noted this campaign rolled out by the Healey-Driscoll administration is spreading misinformation by stating pregnancy centers put women’s health at risk.
“It is a shame that they would dedicate so much time and money to withholding information about all pregnancy options from women,” Trudden stated. “This administration is not about choice; it is solely about promoting abortion.”
An extensive study released by CLI last year and updated earlier this past spring, concluded that after over 50 years of pregnancy centers serving in the U.S., they have stood the test of time.
“Pregnancy centers continue to empower women and men with medically referenced education, sound prevention, and life-affirming choices through holistic care,” the December 2023 report stated. “The benefits are considerable to women and families.”
The generous spirit of those who give of their time, talent, and treasure to bless and empower women and their families are building a culture of life for which we should all be grateful.
Proverbs has an additional promise for them: “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed,” Proverbs 11:25 (NIV).
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.