One more day to pray

One more day to pray (Marcos Paulo Prado/Unsplash)

Several Pregnancy Help News articles have reported on the dangers of the oral drug abortion regimen using mifepristone and misoprostol. The damage, death and devastation of these in-home abortions and the back-alley, coat-hanger variety are almost identical.

As people who care about women and babies, pro-life advocates wish that on Wednesday, April 19, the Supreme Court would have upheld the compassionate, life-saving Texas ruling that suspended FDA approval of mifepristone

Last week, a ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a stay on the FDA suspension. The case came before the Supreme Court, with a decision expected by Wednesday, April 19. Instead, the court will wait at least until Friday to hand down a decision.

While they delay, more babies will die, more damage will be done to their mothers, and more money will go to abortionists. 

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But the delay also provides us with a valuable opportunity. It gives us one more day to pray.

The pro-life movement cannot succeed without prayer. Jesus made it clear that we cannot accomplish anything apart from Him (John 15:5). When we pray, we admit our helpless need for Him.

Prayer brings about so much good for us, and for those we serve. It pulls us and others closer to our Savior and strengthens our love for Him. 

One Psalmist wrote, “I love the Lord, because He hears My voice” (Psalm 116:1). 

We honor God when we put our trust in Him through prayer.

Our prayer to make “abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations” unites us as we support the work of Heartbeat International and pregnancy help organizations across the world.

The peace that prayer gives helps us to continue helping others without panic. It gives us a steady tenacity in facing powerful forces working against us. Prayer fills us with hope in God and reminds us that our hope is not the courts or government.

Tweet This: The delay in the FDA abortion pill case provides us a valuable opportunity to pray & trust God as we work to rescue babies, moms, & dads

This extra day may be a day of repeated prayers within our minds, or long periods set aside for pleading with God to save babies and rescue their parents. It may be a day of fasting. It could be a day of gathering with others to call out to God, whether in person, over the phone, online, or by text.

Whatever form our prayers take, by them we show trust and faith in our heavenly Father. 

No matter the outcome, our eyes are on Him.

Through prayer and Bible reading, our risen Lord will guide us to rise up from our knees and continue to spread His love and truth, which can rescue babies, and their mothers and fathers.

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.

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