Godsey: A new state law could force women to continue abortions even if they change their minds

Godsey: A new state law could force women to continue abortions even if they change their mindsDemocrat Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed a law banning abortion pill reversal April 14. (Polis for Colorado Facebook)






(Daily Caller News Foundation) Colorado was the first state in the United States to legalize abortion (1967) and now adds to that infamous history by being the first to force women, against their consent, to continue an abortion they no longer want.

Colorado Democrats and abortion special interests rammed through this newest [] law intending to squelch “medication abortion reversal,” more commonly and appropriately known as abortion pill reversal. In doing so, they intentionally strip the last choice from the woman who regrets taking the first pill of the two-pill abortion regimen and is looking for an antidote.

Unlike the abortion pill, RU-486, also known as mifepristone, the protocol for abortion pill reversal (APR) was not wholly invented in a medical lab.

APR is simply a high dose of progesterone, the very same hormone that the woman herself produces to sustain her own pregnancy. Progesterone is widely used in obstetric care and has been approved by the FDA to help sustain pregnancy when at risk for miscarriage.

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It is unconscionable for politicians to outlaw something naturally produced in the woman’s body. The progesterone prescribed for APR is bio-identical to the female hormone most important for continuing pregnancy.

And that is just what some women are asking us for in the pregnancy help movement.

They are essentially pleading, “Please help me, I don’t want to abort my baby.”

Such pleas are the same heard often under China’s policy of forced abortion where women are physically detained against their will, held down on surgical tables. They restrain her from fleeing to save the life of her child. The government staff holds her in place until the bloody deed is accomplished.

Colorado is forcing women to complete their abortions against their will by shutting the door on the only known and proven choice they have left – abortion pill reversal.

Tweet This: Colorado is forcing women to complete their abortions against their will by shutting the door on abortion pill reversal.

Through this [] law, the government is in effect holding her down to keep her from rescuing her own child.

Tweet This: Through its law banning abortion pill reversal the Colo. govt. is in effect holding a woman down to keep her from rescuing her own child

It is using its legislative power to constrain compassion and eliminate any hope she may have of making a different choice.

All she can do is refuse to take the second abortion pill, but the damage has been done.

They justify such a heinous position by echoing hollow statements from abortion-biased medical institutions, and even citing a discredited study by pro-abortion doctor Mitchell Creinin, which they claimed showed the dangers of progesterone.

What they intentionally obscure is that this very study, despite a well-funded media blitz, actually shows that progesterone does appear to counter the effects of the invented mifepristone. In fact, many who seek APR within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill are successful in reversing an abortion. This is in addition to a 2018 study that tallied a success rate of nearly 70%.

Why is the abortion industry leveraging all its political might against a woman who simply wants one last chance to choose life for her child? Why do they want to prevent her from getting the care she deserves? Why do they insist that this baby must die?

It’s unfathomable how a woman changing her mind is such a threat to Big Abortion that they would use their political influence to act against it. Yet they do.

Tweet This: It’s unfathomable how a woman changing her mind about her abortion choice is such a threat to Big Abortion

Who gets hurt? Women. Women who want a chance to choose life.

Sadly, the State of Colorado is choosing to link arms with Big Abortion, stand in her way, and force her to continue her abortion. Other abortion states are lining up to do the same.

Women deserve better.

Editor's note: Jor-El Godsey is president of Heartbeat International. Content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News and the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN).

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