Mom shares journey from chemical abortion sadness to Abortion Pill Reversal joy on Capitol Hill

Mom shares journey from chemical abortion sadness to Abortion Pill Reversal joy on Capitol HillKatelynn addresses a Congressional briefing on APR and pregnancy help held by Heartbeat International Jan. 18, 2024 (Lisa Bourne)

Federal lawmaker staff members heard about the joy of saving your child’s life from chemical abortion this week as Heartbeat International hosted a Congressional briefing on the life-saving Abortion Pill Reversal protocol. Heartbeat regularly takes moms and their children to Capitol Hill to raise awareness of pregnancy help and educate Members of Congress that pregnancy help organizations are good for America. 

APR mom Katelynn bravely told her story of feeling like she had no choice but abortion when facing an unplanned pregnancy, and of how she immediately regretted taking the chemical abortion pill, changed her mind, found the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, and had a successful chemical abortion reversal.

Katelynn is from northern Virginia and traveled with her husband Aaron and little girl Aubrie to help educate legislators about Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and how it and compassionate pregnancy help saves lives.

“Hi everyone. Good morning,” Katelynn began. “I'm here to tell a story today about how APR changed my life and brought me my little girl.”

Chemical abortion consists of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone starves the unborn baby of progesterone, the hormone in a pregnant woman’s body that enables a pregnancy to thrive. Misoprostol, taken a day or so later, causes the mother to go into labor and deliver her deceased child.

If a woman takes the first chemical abortion pill and experiences regret, and she acts quickly enough, it may be possible to save her child with APR. To date, statistics show that more than 4,500 lives, and counting, have been saved thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, a network of more than 1,400 healthcare professionals, pregnancy centers and hospitals that provide the APR protocol.

Abortion Pill Reversal is an updated application of a treatment used since the 1950s to combat miscarriage. It involves prescribing progesterone to counteract the effects mifepristone.

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Katelynn told her APR story to Congressional staff January 18 beginning with when on Christmas day 2021 they found out we were pregnant. At first, they experienced joy but then they felt various life pressures and approached 

         Baby Aubrie plays while Mom Katelynn addresses
         Heartbeat International's Jan. 18 Congressional briefing
         Lisa Bourne

Planned Parenthood with the intent of discussing their options. Planned Parenthood promptly rushed Katelynn into a chemical abortion. She returned home “with sadness,” she said. 

“Regret came over me, remorse came over me,” she said. “I just didn't know what to do. So, I started searching things (on the internet) … “Is reversal possible?” “If you only take the first pill, what can you do?””

Katelynn said she was thankful when she called the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN) managed by Heartbeat International.

“Because I got a very warming voice on the other line, and it was a nurse from Heartbeat International,” said Katelynn. “And I explained the situation and told her that I was regretful, and she told me to start getting ready, and that we were going to find some answers and that there are other options.”

The APRN nurse called Katelyn back and arranged for her to go to a pregnancy help medical clinic for help in starting Abortion Pill Reversal.

Katelynn borrowed money for gas and went to the clinic, where the pregnancy help staff met her – even though the clinic was not open that day.

“The pregnancy center was actually closed that day,” she said, “and I was kindly greeted by all the staff who came in on their day off while the pregnancy center was closed to assist me.”

“We went in, we had an ultrasound,” Katelynn said. “The baby still had a heartbeat, which was great news. And then they started going into detail about what we could do to save the pregnancy. They gave me my prescription. They told me I would need weekly ultrasounds.”

The pregnancy help center connected Katelynn with another center closer to her for ongoing support.

“The Blue Ridge Women's Center was so great to me,” she said. “They gave me my medicine; they did my ultrasounds. They put me through parenting classes. And with the parenting classes, you can use your points to buy things in their store that the baby would need. So that solved our problem of getting everything the baby needed.”

Katelynn, Aaron, and Aubrie/Lisa Bourne

Kateynn then had her husband Aaron and their little girl Aubrie, born August 24, 2022, join her at the podium.

Katelynn said she thought her Congressional briefing testimony went very well.

“Everybody was really receptive,” she said. “And I was a little nervous, but then when everyone else was speaking, I noticed that people were taking notes, looking down and then when I got up there to speak, everybody looked at me.” 

This initially made her nervous, she said, but things came together for a good delivery of the message.

“I hope that, and I think and feel that everyone was receptive, and I think and feel that they took into consideration the story, and I think that they really heard me. I really do,” said Katelynn.

Eager to share her message of hope, she has been in discussion with the center about how she can give back in this regard.

Asked what women who find themselves in the situation she did should know, Katelynn said:

They should know that they're supported. They should know that there is someone out there that will help them. They can get all of the things that they need at the pregnancy center. They can take parenting classes, they have resources, they have daycare assistance, they have funding, they have anything that you could possibly need to take care of a child. All you have to do is love that child and you have everything at your fingertips.

Tweet This: Women in unplanned pregnancy should know that they're supported, that they can get all the things that they need at a pregnancy help center.

More information on Abortion Pill Reversal is available HERE, and information on the Abortion Pill Rescue Network is available HERE.

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News.

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