Pro-life pregnancy centers stand with women and children after Roe

Pro-life pregnancy centers stand with women and children after Roe (Monika Balciuniene/Pexels)

(Texas Right to Life) Despite anti-Life rhetoric, the Pro-Life movement remains more steadfast than ever in our commitment to serve pregnant women, preborn children, and their families, both before and after the baby is born.

In the year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Pro-Life pregnancy care centers across the United States have continued to shine as vital hubs of compassionate aid and support for expectant mothers and their children.

These centers provide services that focus on helping women thrive during and after pregnancy, in parenting, or in creating an adoption plan for their child.

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According to data from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, a national Pro-Life research group, the 2,750 Pro-Life pregnancy resource centers across the United States made an immense impact in 2022. These centers engaged with clients over 16 million times, offering services valued at $358 million. With licensed medical professionals composing a quarter of their staff, these centers conducted over 517,000 free ultrasounds and provided nearly 704,000 free pregnancy tests. Astonishingly, their clientele reported a 97.4% satisfaction rate, a testament to the quality of services provided.

In Texas, the Thriving Texas Families (TTF) Program, formerly known as the Alternatives to Abortion program, is a statewide network of pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes that are engaging in this work. The program provided 2,230,713 services to 113,125 unduplicated clients in 2022. More recently, in Fiscal Year 2023, the program served 125,416 clients, offering over 2.2 million social services including parenting classes, diapers, and wipes.

The core mission of the TTF program, like that of many similar programs across the nation, is multifaceted with goals to reduce abortions, improve pregnancy outcomes, enhance child health and development, and promote economic self-sufficiency for families. Pro-Life providers achieve these goals by offering comprehensive services, including counseling, educational resources, material assistance, care coordination, call centers, and even housing for mothers in crisis. The State Legislature funded this program at $165 million to continue offering these critical social services to Texas women and families in our post-Roe state. 

Tweet This: Pregnancy centers provide services focused on helping women thrive during & after pregnancy, in parenting, or in creating an adoption plan.

The collective efforts of Pro-Life pregnancy care centers underscore a profound commitment to empower women, support families, and provide invaluable resources to those navigating the journey of pregnancy, parenthood, and adoption. These centers continue to demonstrate how the Pro-Life movement is not pro-birth, but truly Pro-Life.

Editor's note: This article was published by Texas Right to Life and is reprinted with permission.

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