A balloon is to a toddler what empowerment is to pregnancy help clients. When you give a toddler a balloon, she looks up at it filled with wonder.
When pregnancy help centers (PHC) empower a woman struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, she is given a vision that enables her to look up.

My nephew Sam has a daughter, Ellis. As a 3-year-old, Ellis inquired about her cousin Lilly being baptized.
“Why did Lilly do that?” asked Ellis.
“Because she loves Jesus and has taken Him into her heart,” Sam answered.
Ellis stated, “I haven’t taken Jesus in my heart.”
Pondering it all Ellis let out a sound reflecting the turmoil within, “Awww.”
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Not unlike PHC clients, Ellis was experiencing multiple emotions. A mixture of sadness, disappointment, confusion, wonder and curiosity.

Her being so young, no doubt we could instantly put a big smile on Ellis’ face by just handing her a balloon. For the most part young ones have an untainted view of the world, and a balloon brings fascination looking at the floating object just hanging in the air.
As we begin a new year, perhaps we all need a balloon.
All the things your Creator wanted to give you from the beginning—everything that would lift your eyes toward heaven so that you would gaze up and see Him.
Satan is the bully who only wants to destroy your balloon. Either by loosening your grip on the string or popping it. He seeks to take away the precious gift of choosing an upward gaze.
The upcoming Heartbeat International Conference theme is Onward. It would be a great New Year’s resolution to attend so that your focus and your ability to help others focus their minds on heavenly things will be excited.
Until then, consider how you can empower others around you to take hold of their own metaphorical balloon.
When PHC clients come in for services, remember they have either lost their balloon (let go of it) or it was destroyed (for those who are victims of sexual abuse). What did the balloon offer—in other words, what did they lose?
Picture all these things as part of that balloon: Hope, goodness, love, joy, peace, and innocence.
So, the challenge is to offer these things to the individual. Of course, Jesus offers all of these, and your client may or may not know Him. We want to always be prepared to share the gospel.
If you have struggled to share the gospel message, consider the videos offered by No Place Left ministry which teaches the best practices found by missionaries to share the gospel simply and in a relatable way.
If the individual is not ready or willing to receive the gospel, consider what incremental steps you can offer to bring hope, goodness, love, joy, peace, and a return of innocence lost into their situation.
Reminding others about God’s love and forgiveness is always a great seed to plant. Remember you are not the one who changes hearts anyway (only God can) so your only responsibility may be to plant a seed. If you are privileged to walk further down the path with the person, then you may also get to water the seed.
Few of us get to plant seeds and harvest the same seeds. Faithfulness only requires obedience to the Lord, not taking on responsibility for the outcome.
Sam no doubt would have loved to lead Ellis to the Lord in that moment. However, he was wise enough to know just getting his child to say the words or be baptized would not be meaningful if she is not ready to choose this for herself.

Think carefully about your motives and words with clients (and others you have been called to speak life to). Be prayerful always.
Keep your own eyes on a heavenward gaze, following Jesus each step of the way. Others may or may not follow, but God is faithful, and we can trust Him in this work.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).
“And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ And He said, ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true’” (Revelation 21:5).
These are encouraging passages to keep handy as reminders for yourself and to empower others with God’s word.
May 2022 bring to you, your family and your ministry blessings from our Father and great energy for sharing with others what Jesus, our Savior has done for you.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.