Abortionists convince cash-strapped women that killing their children is the best route to save money. At the same time, employees at these facilities work to vacuum up every last cent they can from these would-be mothers.
Many abortion providers charge for services like pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, but women can more often than not obtain them for free at pregnancy help centers. This was the underlying discovery from a nationwide study published in the journal Contraception.
The “mystery caller study” involved 445 pregnancy centers and 445 geographically-paired abortion facilities. The callers were researchers posing as women who needed to confirm they were pregnant.
Let’s break down the findings:
* 98% of pregnancy centers provided free pregnancy tests
* 16.6% of abortion facilities provided free pregnancy tests
* Most pregnancy centers offered both pregnancy tests and ultrasounds for free
* The median cost for a pregnancy test at an abortion center was $24
* The median cost for an ultrasound at an abortion facility was $162.50
* 68.5% of pregnancy centers offered same day appointments
* 37.2% of abortion facilities offered same day appointments
“The altruism of the pregnancy help outreach stands in stark contrast to the profiteering of abortion providers,” said Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International. “Big Abortion's billions in revenue comes from the woman, herself, or from the taxpayer and results in bottom line millions in profits.”
Research from the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) reveals additional context to the value pregnancy help centers offer women.
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For example: From 2016 through 2020, pro-life pregnancy centers saved more than 800,000 lives after convincing abortion-vulnerable women to let their unborn children live.
Do you know why these pregnancy centers offer free ultrasounds? Because about 75% of abortion-vulnerable women who view an ultrasound of their baby at a pregnancy center ultimately make the choice to see their pregnancy through.
There’s more.
In 2019, pro-life pregnancy centers:
* Provided services and support worth almost $270 million at little to no cost to clients
* This support included medical care and referrals, education, mentoring, and material support, including diapers, car seats, and clothing.
We already know that the abortion industry is more concerned with profit than the well-being of women. Copious amounts of research exist to back up this claim.
As just one example, let’s look at a CLI peer-reviewed research project published in the Cureus medical journal.
It revealed that more than 60% of women who had abortions reported extreme pressure from at least one person to undergo the procedure.
As a result of being forced into killing their unborn children, these women reported experiencing problems with their mental health and quality of life. And plenty of other studies, articles, and more reveal just how psychologically damaging abortion is to women and families.
But those within the abortion industry continue doing everything they can to convince the world that their position is the just one. However, just as Godsey stated, we know it’s all about money.
For example, an analysis of the 2020-21 Planned Parenthood annual report reveals the abortion giant reported $1.7 billion in revenue and more than $2.1 billion in net assets—an increase from the previous report.
The bottom line is simple: Abortionists are willing to do anything for money. Just look at who is profiting financially from women in need.
“Every woman deserves to be loved and supported in pregnancy, not preyed upon for profit,” Godsey said. “Pregnancy help centers don't profit from her decision either way.”
Tweet This: Every woman deserves to be loved & supported in pregnancy. Pregnancy help centers don't profit from her decision either way.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.