Charlotte Lozier Institute
- New director of 2 Michigan centers gleans insights from Heartbeat Conference
"Surge" in chemical abortion raises abortion rate, hope and help still available with Abortion Pill Rescue
- 5 biggest lies the abortion industry has told since Roe v. Wade was overturned
- 97% of pregnancy center clients are satisfied with their experience
A beacon of hope for women with unplanned pregnancies: Pregnancy center set to open in western Nebraska community
A “nudge from God” – one doctor’s journey to serving other women through Abortion Pill Rescue
Abortion "sanctuary" California accounts for 20% of chemical abortions nationwide
Abortion does not help women ‘plan parenthood’ – study
- Abortion increases risk of cardiovascular diseases: new study
- Abortion Pill Reversal has now saved more than 6,000 lives despite pro-abortion pushback
Abortion Pill Reversal’s “record of safety and efficacy” means real choice for women; new report
Abortion providers in 3 U.S. states sue to protect, expand access to chemical abortion pills
- Abortion regulation and maternal mortality
- Abortion vans and the soul of America
Abortion website relies on falsehoods to promote activism
Advocates for Youth attempts to spread lies about pregnancy resource centers
Ahead of looming Supreme Court abortion case, report highlights ‘scientific facts’ about unborn babies at 15 weeks
All Americans benefit from the extraordinary contributions of pro-life pregnancy centers; new video
- Amid pro-abortion attempts to discredit APR, the protocol continues to save lives
An American later-term abortion trial on women in impoverished Africa