Life Launch Grant Program
- $30,000 grant drives pregnancy center start-ups across the U.S.
- A vision of pregnancy help - NC center starts life-affirming work with help from Heartbeat Life Launch Grant
- A “great day” for new pregnancy center to take on Planned Parenthood
- Abortionist’s clinic inspires community to start new pregnancy center
- Build a life-saving non-profit with new on-line resource
- California center landing next door to Planned Parenthood a second time was God’s plan
- Celebrating pregnancy help and the value of moms and babies, Heartbeat heads to Capitol Hill
- Committed to serving women – Up-and-coming pregnancy center undeterred by attacks
- Essential - Looking forward after 50 years of pregnancy help
- Fledgling center inspired by desire to spare others from abortion nets Life Launch Grant
- Fledgling Georgia pregnancy help center soars toward medical status
- Full circle 10 years later: Grandson rescued from Planned Parenthood abortion thanks to pregnancy help center
- Heartbeat goes to Australia
- Heartbeat International’s Life Launch program gathered at Breakthrough Conference
- Heartbeat's Life Launch now making unprecedented pregnancy help available to more than 1.5 million individuals
- Heartbeat’s Life Launch Grant Program provides precious support, centers say at Heartbeat Conference gathering
- Kansas pro-life hub to serve moms and babies in need, thanks to $30K matching Life Launch grant
- Laredo Life Pregnancy Center re-launched thanks to Heartbeat, other pro-life groups
- Life Launch centers celebrate milestones at Heartbeat Conference
- Life Launch Grant speeds pregnancy center opening - Pregnancy help start-ups encouraged to apply
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