focus on the family
- "Made in the image of God" - Shapiro deconstructs pro-abortion arguments at pro-life event
- 'Heartbroken' by Flood, Baton Rouge Pregnancy Clinic Gets Incredible Gift
- 'The Drop Box' to Shed Light on Korean Life-Saver
- 97% of pregnancy center clients are satisfied with their experience
- Debate fact check: Pro-abortion lie gets a pass in front of 60 million television viewers
- Focus on the Family again set to celebrate, ‘see’ life
- Foster care need expected to jump following virus lock-downs
- Heartbeat International’s Pregnancy Help Appreciation Week celebrates generations of service from the pregnancy help movement
- Nationwide Super Bowl Ad Highlights 'Preventable Deaths'
- Pregnancy help advocates discuss life-giving abortion pill reversal on radio broadcast
- Pregnancy help providing more hope than ever before; update report
- Pro-life event to follow President Trump's historic Supreme Court nominee announcement
- Pro-life Group to Broadcast Live, 4-D Ultrasound in Times Square This Saturday
- San Antonio Pregnancy Center Aims to Make Planned Parenthood "Irrelevant"
- Shield laws enable chemical abortions in pro-life states
- Top 5 stories from 2019
- Women can achieve their dreams while being a mother - Another mom honored with Unplanned Movie Scholarship
- “See Life” videos lead to live event, highlight benefit of pregnancy help centers