Department of Justice
- Biden DOJ ramps up war on pro-lifers with lawsuit
- Biden’s Justice Department files emergency motion to block Texas heartbeat law
- DOJ charges 8 more pro-lifers with violating FACE Act
- FACE Act includes pregnancy help centers
- FBI had investigative interest in protests at justices’ homes, but apparently took no action, document reveals
- Fla. defendants sentenced for attacks on pregnancy help centers
- Florida woman convicted in conspiracy targeting pro-life pregnancy resource centers
- Garland suggests Justice Department can’t arrest pro-abortion vandals because they firebomb pregnancy centers at night
- Lawmakers request information from FBI about pro-life arrests, indictments
- Mark Houck, family sue Biden DOJ for ‘malicious and retaliatory prosecution’
- The threat against pregnancy centers is just getting worse
- US Justice Department asks Supreme Court to block Texas heartbeat abortion law
- Vandalized pregnancy centers cry for justice one year after Dobbs leak
- White House refuses to address arrests of pro-lifers amid attacks on pregnancy resource centers