big tech
- Sold a false bill of goods on chemical abortion, Amber Thurman and Candi Miller paid with their lives
- "Good things are happening" in New York pregnancy help despite big tech, pro-abortion climate
- Babylon Bee CEO: Left's ‘harmful misinformation’ on abortion ‘actually costs lives’
- Facebook censors pro-life marketing agency
- Facebook suppresses APR, dodges inquiry with 3rd party “fact checker”
- Facebook ‘fact check’ falsely claims Kamala Harris did not target pro-lifers
- Florida pro-lifer sues Google for deplatforming her and keeping her data
- Google Maps removed DC pregnancy center
- Naming and shaming
- Pro-abortion Governor Gavin Newsom faces recall election in California
- Tech giants bow to Big Abortion, quash life-saving abortion pill reversal
- The new reality of abortion in post-Roe America - Separating abortion fact from fiction
- Three unexpected things in the year since Dobbs
- U.S. pregnancy help leaders refute abortion industry false accusations, urge Google to remain neutral in abortion debate
- ‘Hiding life-saving solutions from women’ - Facebook takes down Heartbeat International’s abortion pill reversal page