Quite honestly, I don’t watch the news much anymore. Haven’t taken much of a look in months. Yes, I have a few news sites on the web I check daily, but you won’t find me watching cable networks to gather information.
The reason is simple. Some cable networks don’t like my views and make it quite clear they see me as an imbecile. Fair enough. Other cable networks tend to share my views but when I see nothing but a constant barrage of negative stories, I get so concerned I’m distracted from what I need to do to change what is happening.
So, Jenn and I are basically watching HGTV, DIY and Hallmark networks. Give us Chip and Joanna Gaines, Ben and Erin Napier on Hometown, or a predictable series like When Calls the Heart on Hallmark and we’re good. I’ll check my web sites for news—in small doses.
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Am I hiding under a rock? Not at all. Like I said, I stay updated on what’s happening. But there is no reason to incessantly dwell on the news in Washington or wherever the latest riot is taking place.
Yet while I am not following national and world events on a minute-by-minute basis, all of us know it looks like our society is spiraling out of control. Because of this, it is increasingly difficult to gain perspective when each day brings a new crisis.
And let’s be real. Society today is not just this crisis or that one, it is in crisis. We’re a mess. Name the social issue and we know we’re headed down a dangerous path. People once respected are now objects of scorn. People who need real help are now celebrated for leading destructive lives. We’re upside down.
Two paths
Yep, we need change in our culture, now. An earthquake of change, because the only way to get our foundation fixed is to flip it back upright.
From my perspective, I see only two possible paths to this change. One is obvious—the return of Jesus to this Earth to make things right. I like that option. I see this option prayed for on social media and in emails. “Come Lord Jesus!” we hear.
I’m totally in with this thinking. He can fix things, and that’s an understatement.
Another solution?
But there’s a problem with depending on Jesus’ return, because it’s not up to me. I can pray for this—and should. But when Jesus himself said he doesn’t know when it’s going to happen (He told us it is up to His Dad), it’s definitely above my pay grade.
Hence, let’s consider a second path: Spiritual awakening.
What about awakening? And why not us?
If we can’t predict or choose the date of Jesus’ return, we can be catalysts toward an awakening. And it is possible that an awakening could begin in the oddest of places—the pregnancy help community. Sounds crazy? Hear me out.
Yes, an awakening could take place in a church. Or through a public meeting such as the Billy Graham revivals of days gone by. Or it could begin on a street in Los Angeles. We don’t know.
But an awakening could begin in places no one expects—for reasons few might see. So, why is an awakening possible in our community?
Reason #1: Awakenings don’t respect denominations. They just happen. At most pregnancy help ministries we leave our denominations and traditions at the door because the stakes are too high to focus on theological disagreements.
Reason #2: We serve the very people Jesus chose. Matthew was a wealthy tax collector but was cast out of the Jewish culture because of his job choice. How many of our patients and clients feel as if their unexpected pregnancies preclude them from being part of the “in” crowd at church, at work or in their friend group? These perceptions may not hold true, but they are quite real. And for most, perception is reality.
Let’s not forget the woman at the well, whom Jesus chose as his liaison to share the Good News with the Samaritans. An outcast. Or the woman caught in adultery who Jesus saved from stoning. These are people others dismissed. But these were the exact people Jesus called and poured His life into. So do we.
Reason #3: We provide hope to the hopeless. An unexpected pregnancy isn’t hopeless, but it can certainly seem that way when a relationship is awry or there is no one there for support. It’s a lonely place. It is the hopeless who approached Jesus again and again, crying out for relief, for help.
While we don’t often hear people crying out to us, behind the outward appearance is often someone begging for anyone to step into their situation where hope seems lost. It’s what we do.
Hmmm. In unique ways, our mission is to connect with the same people Jesus chose to connect with, in the same way Jesus did. And Jesus didn’t just launch an awakening, He launched the church.
Yes, we need a mighty shift in our culture. So, here’s a thought. Let’s soar above our everyday tasks and challenges and think: Awakening.
If we do this, there’s no guarantee a mighty move of God which shakes the world will begin with us. But while others fret over the latest news and events, we’ll be reaching the right people, we’ll have the right hearts, we’ll be doing the right things, and we’ll be waiting on a big God.
And that’s a good place to be.