I doubt I am alone in being in awe of the nurses who serve woman and families providing medical care in the many pregnancy help organizations (PHOs) across the U.S. and beyond.
These incredible people bring compassion, skill, knowledge, and passion for life to their life-saving work with clients and patients.
Anyone who has been cared for by a nurse has likely experienced some sense of the healing, nurturing and compassionate touch wielded by so many who pursue this healthcare calling.
So many times nurses provide heart and soul to the care we receive.
Those who bring this touch to serving in pregnancy help are blessed because they have the opportunity to make a difference for life that lasts for generations.
Each day they stand in the breach between life and death, rescuing women in need by offering that healing, nurturing and compassionate presence - and establishing trust - so often having a hand in opening the door to a mom choosing life.
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Women facing unplanned pregnancy are given hope and confidence in choosing life for their child when they are served by PHOs, because there they are empowered with assistance and support, and positive influence for making healthy, informed choices - and nurses are so often an integral part of that process.
Unborn children are saved, and their mothers’ lives changed because of the service provided by PHOs and these pro-life healthcare professionals.
This can be in the regular day-to-day service provided by a PHO, and it can be with the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, through which an unborn life can be saved via abortion pill reversal and moms are given a second chance at life with their child.
There is no question that this work of pregnancy help can be challenging; the ravages of the secular world continually bringing human brokenness through the door, the Evil One affecting opposition to our work, the questioning as to whether we positively affected someone we have served.
Nurses, you may get discouraged and wonder whether you are making a difference.

But your struggles are not lost on God. He knows. He sees.
You were clearly called to this ministry and it is with your nurse’s heart that you serve.
The Lord loves the babies you are saving and the ones you try to save - and He loves every effort you give to both. He loves you too.
Don’t forget that miracles can happen when we least expect them, and they can happen where we do not see. It’s God’s plan; He’s got this. And all things are possible with Him.
Each precious child born because you served his or her mother, and each mom and family you serve is experiencing God’s love through you. There is not greater thing we can do for another.
You are a blessed conduit for life.
Always remember that we at Pregnancy Help News and Heartbeat International keep you in prayer.
We are inspired by you; we appreciate you and we thank you.
Editor's note: National Nurses Week runs from May 6-12 each year, ending with the birthday of Florence Nightingale. The observance honors nurses and raises awareness of the significant role they play in society. Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News.