(Life Issues Institute) On numerous occasions I’ve used this weekly blog to highlight the good done by the power of pro-life pregnancy centers. Today I’ll share unassailable proof that what these centers are doing within their communities is nothing short of remarkable.
Charlotte Lozier Institute teamed up with Heartbeat International, Care Net, and National Institute of Family and Life Advocates – the latter three umbrella groups that assist pregnancy centers – to publish a survey documenting the level of services the centers provide to women and men facing unexpected pregnancies.
Titled Hope for a New Generation, the survey is the latest addition to A Legacy of LIFE & LOVE Report Series.
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During 2022 there were 2,750 pro-life pregnancy centers that provided assistance to *over 3 million times (*client visits).
How well did this massive network of humanity do its job? The centers provided clients with a way to give feedback on the services they received.
An amazing 97.4% self-reported that they had a positive experience and/or were satisfied. Can you imagine if Planned Parenthood or others in the abortion industry were to ask their clients for the same input? I’m confident the results will be quite different.
Let’s look at the monetary value of the critical services pregnancy centers provided:
- Nearly $151 million in ultrasound-related care
- Over $75 million in parenting education programs
- An over $3 million investment into our nation’s youth, teaching sexual risk avoidance
These oases of love also provided practical support of:
- Over $40 million in diapers
- $6 million worth of baby formula
- Well over $7 million in new car seats, cribs, and strollers
Other services include:
- Abortion pill reversal
- STD testing and treatment
- Abortion trauma recovery
- Aiding victims of human trafficking
These essential services totaled over $358 million in one twelve-month period! Think about that for a moment. That is the power of pro-life pregnancy centers.
They accomplished this with a workforce that was 71.8% volunteers! How do you think Planned Parenthood would fare in comparison?
Local community officials would be pleased to know about these services in their midst – many of which would otherwise be shouldered by taxpayers.
At a time when pro-life pregnancy centers are being attacked at unprecedented levels by federal, state, and local government agencies, this survey affords us the opportunity to showcase their importance and value. They are precious jewels that should be lauded and appreciated by the very people who attack them simply for not performing or referring for abortion.
Tweet This: As pregnancy centers are attacked at unprecedented levels by all levels of government, this survey showcases their importance and value.
There are thousands of community health centers throughout the nation that don’t offer abortion yet have avoided the accusation of being a “fake and fraudulent” clinic. They have not earned the wrath of pro-abortion politicians carrying water for the abortion industry.
The hard truth is pro-life pregnancy centers impact the bottom line of the abortion industry. They are competition that must be eliminated.
It’s time to fight back.
Editor's note: Bradley Mattes is president of the Life Issues Institute. This article was published by Life Issues Institute and is reprinted with permission. Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network Pregnancy Help News. This article has been updated to reflect the updated number of client visits.