A new year and new hope will come in January. In the Northern Hemisphere the darkest days are behind us, but nights are still long and cold. In the Southern Hemisphere the brightest days are over. No matter where we are, spiritual darkness seems to cover the whole globe.
But God overpowers darkness through new creations – creation of our earth, creation of new life, and creation of a “new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).
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When we look at the overwhelming numbers of abortions committed each year, we may feel that this deadly curse will never end. As we see the darkness of abortion around us, we might be tempted to say, along with the psalmist, “‘Surely the darkness will overwhelm me’” (Psalm 139:11). But God is not overwhelmed. “Even the darkness is not dark to [Him], and the night is as bright as the day” (Psalm 139:12).
Literal darkness covered the earth until God spoke light into being on the first day of creation.
Just as God could see into a dark, “formless and void” earth, and then create a beautiful world, and just as He can see into the darkness of the womb and “knit” together a child (Job 10:11), so He can see into each of our hearts that are darkened with sin and provide a way into the light.
If God is powerful enough to make a way for our sins to be forgiven through His Son, Jesus, He can be trusted to put a stop to this dark season of legalized abortion. And He will do it at exactly the right time.
Abortion does not stop God from bringing about the good things He has planned. Right now, lights are shining out: thousands of pregnancy care centers help save lives; state legislatures continue to pass laws to protect children; and some courts are upholding those lifesaving laws. These things fill us with hope.
But our hope is not in the courts, legislatures, or even in ourselves, but in almighty God. Just as the Lord was able to stretch out the heavens by Himself (Is. 44:24), He will also create a new heaven and new earth. The only way there is through the Light of the World, Jesus. In that place there will be no more night, death, tears, shame, or abortion.
No matter what the abortionists do, or what the courts decide, our trust is in God. He has given each of us a new day of hope in a dark world. Our hope is in God alone who, in 2022 will give our world a new year, new children, and new opportunities to serve mothers, fathers and their babies. And it may be that in 2022 He will give all those who trust in Him eternity in a new heaven and new earth.