The troubled pregnant teen didn’t know what to do. She decided to pour out her heart to her mom.
Her mother set aside her own feelings and listened. Though the pregnancy was not great news in her eyes, she knew exactly how to help.
She took her daughter to the same pregnancy help clinic where she had received the support and resources she needed years ago—back when she was pregnant with her daughter.
Now her girl received the same kind of compassionate help.
I’ve heard this full-circle kind of story more than once from pregnancy help organizations who have been around for years.
What a wonderful testimony to the compassionate work we do!
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A visit to a pregnancy center is not just a one-and-done transaction. It’s the first step of a relationship that can last a lifetime—and even impact the next generation.
Speaking of generations, and the responsibility of the people of God to influence them, the Psalmist writes,
“We will not hide them from their children, but will tell a future generation the praiseworthy acts of the LORD, his might, and the wondrous works he has performed. He established a testimony in Jacob and set up a law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach to their children so that a future generation—children yet to be born—might know. They were to rise and tell their children so that they might put their confidence in God and not forget God’s works, but keep his commands.” –Psalm 78:4-7
Future generations. Children yet to be born. The children of those children.
God has a loving, laser-focused interest in human beings and human families. His perspective is much broader than ours. He can see what—and who—is coming.
Pregnancy help ministry plays a vital role in what God wants accomplished.
First, we are a place of refuge for endangered preborn children and their distressed parents. We help future generations survive their time in the womb and be able to enjoy life on earth.
One newly created person after another is rescued by what we do.
Second, in offering the hope of the gospel, we share the truth about who God is and how much He loves every human being.
This truth can then be passed on to future generations—the children and children’s children of the people we serve in their time of need.
As we help women or couples facing unplanned pregnancies, we don’t just serve them—we also serve their children.
Think generations.
When I get to be around my grandchildren (I’m blessed with eight), I often stop and think. Wow, my life really isn’t about me. It’s about all these other people. It’s about these other stories God is writing.
I’m humbled by this reality. It helps me take a step back and gain a broader perspective.
God is all about the generations.
He’s big on family lineage—just look at the many lists of them in Scripture. God is always at work, both preserving and redeeming family lines.
He wants His preborn image-bearers, from every family line and every people group, to be rescued. He wants boys and girls to learn of Him and then turn around and tell their children one day.
This is a vital and beautiful part of the work done by pregnancy help ministry.
We reach out to people who belong to families that have been troubled for generations. We minister to those with last names easily recognized by local police and medical professionals.
But we don’t roll our eyes about a client and say, “Oh, she’s a Smith, and you know how they are.”
No, we treat her with dignity and respect. We encourage her to use her critical thinking skills and her voice. We empower her by believing in her.
We help her break negative cycles and develop new strategies for life.
What we do for her has a positive effect on her family.
We may never know how many lives we are touching as we minister to the one. We may not see how far that ripple effect goes.
Who knows—perhaps the “Smiths” will one day enjoy a whole new reputation because the local pregnancy clinic offered hope and help to a family member.
God is at work, from one generation to the next.
What an honor to participate with Him.