“Baby Grace” passes away

“Baby Grace” passes away (Morgan Hill obituary )

Morgan Hill’s life ended as it began: in an upsetting and unfair way. 

Her biological mother became pregnant from an extramarital affair and did not want the baby in her life. Morgan was born in a bathtub in October 1995, where she was subsequently fed, wrapped in a towel, and placed in a car so her mom could drive around and determine her next step. 

That next step was almost unspeakable. 

She put Morgan in a garbage bag, tied with a double-knot. She then placed her newborn daughter into a dumpster outside of a medical center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. 

Thankfully, a construction worker found her, saving her life. 

The medical team who worked to help the child named her “Mary Grace” because they considered her a miracle from God. And the nickname “Baby Grace” stuck. 

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Fast-forward to February 2023. 

Morgan passed away at the age of 27, succumbing to her battle with epilepsy. 

Compounding the tragedy is the fact Hill died only days after her adoptive mom passed away.

Morgan Hill with Rocky Hyatt, who saved her life in 1995
 when she was abandoned as a newborn/Morgan Hill

Between her heart-wrenching birth and death, Morgan Hill would grow up to be a hero, strongly advocating for state-level Safe Haven laws designed to give women the means to safely surrender their newborn babies. 

The first laws were enacted in individual states in 1999. 

  Morgan Hill obituary

Currently, all 50 states have these laws on their books, which allow parents to release their newborn baby at an approved location, which are often fire stations and hospitals. 

According to the National Safe Haven Alliance, 4,778 babies have been saved to date. 

“My main reason for speaking out is to show that there’s help out there—that no one’s alone,” Morgan said in a previous interview. “I don’t want any other child to be put in a dumpster like I was. If my story saves at least one life, it was definitely worth telling.” 

Tweet This: “My main reason for speaking out is to show that there’s help out there—that no one’s alone” - the late Morgan Hill on safe haven laws

And we need to keep telling it. 

Perhaps these laws may help some abortion-vulnerable women decide to carry their babies to term, knowing there’s a way out that doesn’t include ending the life of their children.  

Two Supreme Court Justices, Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett, incorporated these laws into their opinions in the case that dissolved Roe v. Wade

But the abortion industry does not agree and spits in the face of Morgan’s heroic efforts, stating that the idea of safe havens being a way to avoid abortion is disingenuous

Remember, abortions are big business, and the industry isn’t going to sit by and allow that cash flow to slow down.

As one example, an analysis of the 2020-21 Planned Parenthood annual report reveals the abortion giant reported $1.7 billion in revenue and more than $2.1 billion in net assets—an increase from the previous report. 

Morgan Hill obituary












But although Morgan Hill has passed away, her work lives on. 

And it can live on through you. 

Make sure people in your community and beyond know about safe haven laws. Because maybe, just maybe, the information you share can help save the life of an abandoned baby.

Just like Morgan. 

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