The hope and help delivered to women in need via the only fully-staffed, bilingual pro-life contact center in the U.S. is so impactful that clients offer heartfelt gratitude and enthusiasm for the service they receive from the center.
Option Line recently celebrated 20 years of providing 24/7 pregnancy help to women and families facing unplanned pregnancy.
A program of Heartbeat International, Option Line makes critical connections with women at-risk for abortion, connecting these women to a local pregnancy help organization in their area, more than 2,200 pregnancy help organizations worldwide.
Since answering the first call in 2003, the Option Line team has served more than 5 million people seeking answers in an unexpected pregnancy.
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Option Line consultants give calm, supportive guidance as they present the different options women have available to them.
Those who reach out to the contact center are encouraged and empowered with assistance and information provided with personalized care. Consultants communicate directly with more than 1,100 men and women each day via phone, live chat, texting, and email connecting someone to pregnancy help every 76 seconds.
While this efficacy can make the difference between life and death with a pregnancy on the line, there is a very real human component to the work performed by Option Line consultants.
Below are testimonials from Option Line clients. Names have been changed to preserve privacy.
"[Victoria] was extremely helpful and explained everything super well."
"[Dalia] was very kind and helped calm some of my nerves about my situation."
"I was so thankful for this conversation."
"[Athena] was amazing she really helped me see what I need to do and what’s the best option for me"
“"I really needed to know the facts and this is the first person to explain things to me clearly! THANK YOU!!!" [Althea]
"I`ve been on other sites and they charge you for an answer which [Option Line doesn’t] and is very understanding if someone is not used to this or has difficulties/ disabilities." [Ruth]
"Immediate answer without me repeating my request" [Althea]
"Ashley was extremely helpful would recommend to anyone"
"[Melany] answered my questions perfectly"
"[Estelle’s] great! very attentive and caring!"
"This site is extremely helpful it put my mind at ease and [Dalia] was such a nice women she answered my questions right away"
"[Ana] helped a lot"
"Gabriel was very helpful and helped calm me down”
"very helpful excellent service!"
"Athena gives great advice"
"[Shayla] was really nice and not too brief and helped a lot emotionally"
"My consultant's name was Melly and oh my god she was so so so good"
"[Rose] answered everything i wanted to know! I was so scared, but [Rose] changed my mind on things!!!"
"Ashley was lovely to chat to. Helped me to not feel so Worried"
These lives and countless others have been saved or otherwise positively affected by the dedication and commitment of Option Line staff – a team that continually makes that life-affirming human connection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.