Ron DeSantis
- Florida Supreme Court upholds abortion ban, allows abortion in constitution on November ballot
- A teachable moment - Let’s tell teens the truth about sex and its consequences
- Biden has put women at grave risk, but states can still protect them
- DeSantis signs six-week abortion ban into Florida law
- Florida updates infant surrender law to extend relinquishment period
- March for Life announces speakers for 52nd annual March
- Pro-abortion group sets up website for teens to bypass parents to obtain an abortion
- Pro-life roundup: Here’s what happened with abortion at the state level this week
- Pro-life victories across U.S.: NC and NE with SC soon to follow
- Refuting big lie the left tells about pro-lifers
- State election recap: Pro-life victories
- Three state ballot initiative victories signal potential keys to future pro-life election success
- Walking by faith: Florida pregnancy help organization opens fifth medical clinic
- “We will protect women and vulnerable children” – Trump, others pledge support for pregnancy help at March for Life