With pregnancy help in the crosshairs, familiarity with legal landscape is critical

Ani Nedkova/Pexels

This past November, 10 states had constitutional amendments seeking to expand abortion on the ballot. Navigating this new legal environment in the seven states where they passed will require strategic communication and proactive measures to continue supporting families and mothers in making life-affirming decisions.

Similar initiatives in other states have passed, including in Ohio, a state with nearly complete Republican control. These amendments often go further than Roe, dismissing the state's interest of protecting life in favor of the so-called “privacy” interests of the mother. The amendments effectively force all regulations to completely disregard the life of the unborn child and survive solely based on the rationale that they protect life and health of the mother.

A constitutional amendment like those that were on the ballot in these 10 states can transform a state, overnight, from a “life state” to an “abortion state.”

For example, Ohio has multiple legal protections in its statutes, including 24-hour waiting periods, a ban on most abortions after six weeks, and parental notification. After Ohio’s constitutional amendment passed, these laws are now tied up in court.

Pregnancy help organizations can and will continue to serve women and families in their respective communities despite potentially drastic change in the legal environment and state culture.

As they do, it will become even more important to communicate with staff, supporters, friends, and the media about the importance of supporting families and mothers in making life-affirming decisions. This can help build a strong, united front in the face of changing legal landscapes.

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Building relationships with those who can help clarify any changes to state constitutions will be important as well. This may include state attorneys general or state family policy groups.

Additionally, inviting elected representatives at all levels to tour their local pregnancy center could prove beneficial. For pro-life officials, it’s critical that they are aware of the resources and assistance in their districts, and this can help them share about these organizations and how they help women in unexpected pregnancies.

Heartbeat International, as the largest network of pregnancy help organizations in the U.S., stays current on the various legal issues pregnancy centers in the movement are facing and stands ready to support pregnancy help organizations in traversing these matters.

As the pregnancy help movement finds itself in the crosshairs of Big Abortion more and more frequently, it is critical to be familiar with the bigger picture of the legal issues that pregnancy help organizations are grappling with.

These amendments focus solely on protecting abortion on demand, and pregnancy centers have a positive impact on women’s health outcomes and their decisional certainty.

What is largely unknown is that many of these amendments include a right to continue one’s pregnancy.

In California and New York Heartbeat International and certain affiliates are currently defending Abortion Pill Reversal as an exercise of the woman’s right to continue her pregnancy. Regardless of whether a state enacts a constitutional amendment protecting abortion, the pregnancy help movement must be prepared for hostile attorneys general to attempt to attack a woman’s right to continue her pregnancy.

Tweet This: Pregnancy help organizations will serve women and families despite potentially drastic change in the legal environment and state culture.

Pregnancy help centers must be prepared to defend their organization against lies and distortions by the media. The Pregnancy Center Truth website is an invaluable tool that will help in this regard.

Pregnancy centers likewise must be prepared to protect their center from physical attacks. Unfortunately, digital and physical attacks on pregnancy centers have been increasing. Security improvements may be necessary. Heartbeat International offers resources and support in protecting pregnancy help organizations.

By taking the necessary steps to be amply prepared, pregnancy centers can effectively navigate the evolving legal and social landscape while continuing in their mission to provide essential services to families and mothers.

Editor's note: Heartbeat International is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by state attorneys general over sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal. Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.

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