The induced death of an unborn child was broadcast recently to National Public Radio (NPR) listeners. It was clearly designed to dignify and support the act of abortion but failed miserably. Many were rightfully horrified.
One group has remembered and honored this child with tenderness.
The NPR journalist recorded and broadcast the event live on November 3 at a Michigan abortion facility with an unnamed mother who was 11 weeks along. Listeners heard a vacuum and an abortion worker named, “Brandy,” who coached the child’s mother through it all.
At this point in development, the child had the ability to respond to touch, hiccup, and suck his or her thumb. The youngster was at the stage of trying out his or her new ability to yawn, swallow, and chew. You can learn more about what a baby at 11 weeks of development looks like through the What to Expect YouTube channel.
But all that movement and growth was halted, and the child died when he or she was sucked out of his or her mother’s womb through the vacuum, the accompanying horrible sound broadcast on the NPR segment.
“You did it!” Brandy said to the mother in a congratulatory tone.
“Thank you, guys, so much,” the newly unpregnant woman replied.
“You are welcome!” Brandy responded warmly in return. She and others in the room then told the mother that she, “did great!”
You can listen to the audio yourself - but be warned that it is difficult to hear.
The people involved in the production of this segment seem to ooze support, warmth, and relief at the act. At least through the available audio, the mother doesn’t seem to care she just had her son or daughter killed. Obviously, it was another “job well done” from Brandy’s perspective.
In short: no one close to the NPR broadcast seemed to care that this child just passed away. His or her heart longer beats. The adorable yawning was brutally stopped. Everything is still.
Destroyed and tossed away.
But someone cared enough to honor this fallen child.
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Priests for Life marked Saturday, Dec. 3 as a “Day of Mourning” for this little one.
“Pro-life leaders have named the child Baby Amanda Marie and we are asking every pro-life individual, organization, and lawmaker to mark the day with fasting and special prayers, including Masses,” stated Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life in a press release. “These actions can be done privately, but the more they are done in common, with groups, the better.”
According to the press statement, the Day of Mourning was meant to “honor the baby and also ask God for forgiveness for the legal abortion deaths of more than 65 million children in the U.S. since 1973.”
But that’s not all.
Priests for life also sent an open letter to the mother who had the abortion, along with those who performed the act, NPR employees, and listeners.
The portion for the mother expressed support, saying in part:
“We are with you, and God is with you. We are not here to condemn or punish you, but to express our love and care for you. We wish we could have helped you avoid abortion; and even now, we want to help you heal from its wound, as we have helped so many others.”
The portion for the abortionist struck a different tone:
“Whereas we have good reason to believe that the mother of this Child (who, now, has a name, Baby Amanda) was largely ignorant of precisely what she was doing when she asked you for an abortion, we have little reason to believe that you were ignorant of the fact that abortion is murder.”
The section for NPR employees called them out for the dishonesty of their callous act, kicking off with:
“You missed something. You say you described an abortion, but all we heard were some words about the mother and the machine. Why didn’t you describe what was removed from this woman? What did the vacuum suction out of her?”
And finally, for the listening public, Priests for Life underscored the reality of what happened:
“By now, you see that, in listening to the abortion that was aired on NPR, you heard the killing, the deliberate killing, the murder, of a real baby, Baby Amanda.”
If you listened to the audio of the abortion, how did it impact you?
Please share this article on social media and let people know.
And finally, will you hold Baby Amanda in your prayers?