This was going to be Sarah’s second abortion. She’d had an abortion before having her daughter. As Sarah learned she was expecting a child with her third pregnancy, she found herself back in a similar situation to her first abortion.
The pressures and stress of this pregnancy began to grow, Sarah said, and she began to feel “soul chilling fears” as she considered having another child.
Sarah had experienced hardships and many challenges as a single parent for the previous six years. Her journey to having her daughter had started as a desperate attempt to become pregnant due to the guilt she was carrying from having the previous abortion.
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Sarah shared how her daughter’s father was “extremely abusive and a toxic partner,” and further, “Being a single mom had been the most difficult thing I had ever done.”
“So, the enemy began to place in my mind the thoughts that the sooner I was to abort this third pregnancy, the best for all of us,” Sarah said.
Sarah started to convince herself abortion was the best answer, and it would free her, her partners, and her daughter from the unexpected life change of another child.
After having an argument with one of her partners, potentially the father of the child in this pregnancy, Sarah took the first chemical abortion pill.
After taking the pill, Sarah knew those in her life that would be supportive of this decision, and she called them to confide in them her choice. Those she spoke with continued to encourage her in doing “what was best for her.”
“I felt deep sadness,” Sarah said. “Deep sorrow and a knowing I had done the wrong thing.”
While knowing God loved her and His love would never change, she was filled with disappointment and felt all alone.
Sarah began “searching on the internet for what happens if you took the first abortion pill and then change your mind.”
“I found the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline,” she recalled.
“With tears stuck in my throat and running down my face, and a deep longing in my soul to hear good news saying there was at least a chance, I called the APR hotline,” Sarah said.
Sarah felt love come through the phone from the APR hotline nurse and said that it “soothed her soul and put her at ease.”
Tweet This: Sarah felt love come through the phone from the APR hotline nurse and said that it “soothed her soul and put her at ease.”
The APR hotline nurse allowed Sarah to discuss her situation, and she did not feel judged, remembering the nurse being completely understanding as she shared the next steps with Sarah and that Abortion Pill Reversal has a 64-68% success rate.
Sarah said this was when she became hopeful and knew she was on the right track after being on the wrong one for so long. She then committed to being willing to give reversal a try.
Sarah was quickly connected by the APR hotline nurse to an APR pregnancy help medical clinic in her area. She had an appointment with the APR medical professional at the clinic and immediately began progesterone.
Sarah’s pregnancy journey was life-changing. She reports receiving texts messages often from the APR hotline nurses to check on her and see if there was anything she needs. Sarah says this made her feel “cared for, supported, and that the APR team was always there for me.”
As Sarah reflected back on her pregnancy, she said she will always be thankful for the APR hotline nurses who loved, cared for, and supported her. At times, she felt more love from them than anyone else in her darkest time.
On April 4, 2024, Sarah and her newlywed husband welcomed Isaiah Nicholas into the family.
Sarah knows Isaiah has a blessing on his life and it is because of the APR hotline team and the pregnancy help medical clinic that she has been able to welcome Isaiah into her life with so much love.
“Being faithful and doing what is right, even after you have done what is wrong, is always the right way and will always be rewarded,” Sarah concluded.
The Abortion Pill Reversal hotline is staffed with APR-trained medical professionals 24/7 to assist any woman who has started a chemical abortion and is experiencing regret with a desire for a second chance to choose life for her child.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of lawsuits brought by two state AGs concerning sharing information about APR.