Romania and the Republic of Moldova to hold March for Life 2020 online May 17

Romania and the Republic of Moldova to hold March for Life 2020 online May 17

While public gathering restrictions stemming from the coronavirus outbreak will continue past May 15 in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, pro-life organizers have moved the area’s annual March for Life online.

The March for Life 2020 “For Life. For Parents. For Children” was originally scheduled for March 28.

However, due to the extended pandemic prohibitions, the event will be held online on Sunday, May 17, the National Day of Family in Romania – the first time for the event to be conducted virtually

The move reflects what many in and outside the pregnancy help movement have done to continue serving and operating amid the current pandemic scenario.

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“We invite you to join us in celebrating the most beautiful gift in the world: The Gift of Life!” the pro-life advocates behind the march said in a statement.

They explained how everyone has a stake in supporting life, as well as reason to be thankful for life.

“You don’t need to be a microbiology expert to understand why it’s worth supporting life,” they said. “First of all, your mother, your parents chose life for you, so you can see you have million reasons to be thankful for being born and also help other to be born!”

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The group went on to list additionally pertinent reasons for supporting the pro-life cause, including those have been through a pregnancy crisis, those who have child was diagnosed with medical conditions in utero, those who have lost a child during pregnancy or at birth, have been blessed with a large family, or anyone who has witnessed a moment where the support of another mattered.

Even without having directly experiencing one of these varying situations, they said, one need only look to relatives, friends, or acquaintances to find someone among the countless people who have.

The March for Life 2020 “For Life. For Parents. For Children” is organized by Studenți pentru viață (“Romania’s Pro-Life Students”) Association in partnership with România pentru viață (“Romania for Life”) Association. It will be held live at 18:00 hours/6 p.m. on Sunday the 17th on the Marșul pentru viață București(“Bucharest March for Life”) Facebook page.

The list of keynote speakers for the event is full of pro-life women and mothers, including Eliza-Maria Cloțea, president of Studenți pentru viață Association, Alexandra Nadane, president of România pentru viață, Raluca Blejușcă, pro-life singer and a mother of five, Lavinia Stan,  parental coach and mother of six, Adelina Fronea, president of LifeCall Association, Alex Ilie, executive director of the Alliance Romania without Orphans and father of four adopted children.

Following the speeches there will be a concert with the theme, Live for Life, featuring artists Raluca Blejușcă, Alma Boiangiu, Ioana Picoș and Ana Teodora.

Organizers said the online March for Life 2020 was necessary because it will take love, solidarity and support to defeat the indifference, doubt and ignorance so prevalent today.

And it is these negative attitudes or thoughts that create the “tragic context” leading to the loss of so many children’s lives that “deeply hurts so many parents and especially women.”

“Love defeats abortion,” they said. “Because only solidarity unites pro-life people and helps the pro-life message reach further. Love changes hearts. And it inspires people to get involved however they can.”

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