Heartbeat International held its Annual Pregnancy Help Conference in Louisville, Ky., April 26 – 28. During Writers Row, an exhibition of writers’ work in the pregnancy help community over two days, authors exhibited their written works on a variety of topics surrounding family, women, reproduction, God and much more.
Writers Row made its debut in 2022 as a new offering at the Heartbeat Conference.
The author exhibition with a bookstore feel was created to highlight different authors’ works for the over 1500 participants who attend the Conference. This is also an opportunity for writers to meet other writers and share experiences and ideas.
This year’s Writers Row had 21 authors registered to line the hall entering the conference.
Each writer presented a different aspect of the general topic of pregnancy help.
Some focused on alternatives to abortion, others on reaching young girls, others on medical services, still others on forgiveness, and the list goes on.
Each perspective offered valuable information, resources, or emotional encouragement, empowering readers with truth and hope.
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In speaking with each of the writers, the one thing they all had in common was their calling.
“I thought I was writing this book about being a widow, but God had other plans,” said Sarah James author of His Song.
James wrote His Song to prove we are never beyond God’s redemption – specifically for women who regret their abortion or are in a hard spot in life.
Melanie Jean Garuffi recalls how directly God told her to write about the spiritual battles around abortion.
“When he told me, I thought ‘who me?’ I’ve never written a book before,” she said. “When we walk in obedience, God opens doors and walks with us through them.”
But Garuffi followed the Lord’s instructions and wrote Your Bodies God’s Choice, featured on Writers Row.
Along with opening the floor for in-depth discussion, writers were able to connect with one another to network and share ideas or simply encourage one another.
Tweet This: This year’s Writers Row at Heartbeat's Conference had 21 authors with their individual perspectives on pregnancy help.
Next year Heartbeat International will hold its conference from April 24-26, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Authors slated to take part in the 2023 Writers Row and their written works were:
Karla Sutter - Flutter/ Waiting/ Positive
Heather Featherston - So I Was Thinking About Adoption.../ Called to Adoption
Tammy Daughtry - Co-parenting Works! Helping Your Children Thrive after Divorce
Melissa Heiland - No Shame
Wendy Giancola - Transforming Your Story: a Path to Healing after Abortion
Pat Layton - Surrendering the Secret
Karen Ingle - With Me in the Storm
Herbie Newell - Image Bearers
Haley Limo - Foundations for Fundraising
Ellen Foell - Notes in the Margin
Gary Montour - Mama Let Me Live--It's Time to Listen to the Little Voice Inside
Melanie Jean Garuffi - Your Body - God’s Choice
Valerie Millsapps - A Voice that Kills
Sariah James - His Song - How God Turned The Sour Notes Of My Life Into A Masterpiece
Suzanne Burns - Brighthaven Chronicles; Housing Ministry Steps for Success
Sarah Bowen - Courageously Pro-Life
Mike Spencer - Humanly Speaking: The Evil of Abortion, The Silence of the Church, and the Grace of God
Joe Malone - Battles of the Sexes
Peggy Hartshorn - The L.O.V.E. Approach / The Power of Pregnancy Help
Tammy Stearns - Know Hope
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.