Have you ever heard of any gifts given to women who go to an abortion center? We know they're not giving them handmade baby blankets after a positive pregnancy test, as many pregnancy centers do.
They're also not likely to be collecting Christmas gifts from caring people to distribute to clients at Christmastime.
At Babies and Beyond in Madison, Wis., an effort is extended so that clients and their families are made to feel special at Christmas time.
Brenda Collins, executive director, says that every December, clients are invited to come to the center for a fun Christmas party. This year's party was just last week.
"Our clients were able to come and get their picture taken with Santa, and then pick out any toy,” she said, “plus each child received three books, a blanket, a footprint memory kit, and a hat.”
This year a local chiropractor held a collection for these gifts, as was done by a local high school and an individual family in memory of a child they lost three years ago.
The center was all decorated for Christmas, and the older children were so excited to see Santa and receive presents.
The center typically serves about 1,000 clients a month.
"So, the event is first come, first served,” Collins said. “We had 111 families and 166 children come in just two hours."

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In Detroit, Mich., Pregnancy Aid Detroit takes applications each fall from any clients that hope to be selected for Christmas gifts.
"They tell us the ages and sizes of their children, any particular needs such as a coat or pajamas, favorite type of toy," said Christina Allen, counselor for the center. Donors buy all the gifts and wrap them. More needy families are given priority. Every family is given an appointment time to make the gift giving more individualized for each family.
This year, Essential Pregnancy Center in Palm Bay, Fla., was happy to receive Christmas gift bags for clients. Planning for Christmas for the center's clients, Grace Way Church of Melbourne offered to put together the gift bag for the center this December.
Executive Director and Founder Joanne Kennedy said each bag had numerous small gifts in it, and they were distributed to about 50 grateful clients.
Carolyn's Place in Waterbury, Conn., sees many Hispanic clients. Because many Hispanic people celebrate Epiphany following Christmas in early January, the center decided last year to hold an Epiphany party for their clients.
Any client served during the year was invited to the party, with their family included. The event was held at the pregnancy center, where a wonderful dinner was prepared for the guests. There was a Christmas tree and music, and the families could decorate gingerbread men to take home.
In addition, each family was given a children's book about the nativity, Max Lucado’s Itsy Bitsy Christmas.
"We get wonderful support between regular donor families and churches, and we told people we wanted to hand out this adorable book,” Meagan Monoca, client consultant, said. “So, people just went and got it, or had it ordered so we had the twenty we needed for the party.”
The next Epiphany party is planned for January 7 for this year's clients.

Tweet This: Abortion centers don't give women handmade baby blankets after a positive pregnancy test, and they're likely not giving them Christmas gifts
In Phoenix, Ariz., a "day of Christmas blessing" is offered every December to First Way Pregnancy Center clients.
Melanie Miller, executive director, shared that until the Covid pandemic happened, there was usually a big Christmas event with dinner, games for the kids, music, crafts and more.
"In 2020 we worked to make it more individual, to love on each client one at a time,” Miller said. “So, we set up a Christmas market, kind of a blessing room, where clients can choose diapers, clothes, whatever they need for their children. A host takes each client around, station to station, talking to the mom or family as they look at and choose items, including clothing, jewelry and more for themselves."
Miller mentioned that many of their clients are struggling because of inflation. The Christmas market is a real break for them.
A wide variety of all new gifts were donated, including handmade baby's first Christmas ornaments. A childcare corner with Christmas crafts is available so Moms can shop.
The last station at the market is a prayer station, with members of the Gideon's women's auxiliary on hand to pray with families. The Gospel is presented to them, and they're asked what they need prayer for.
"We had one client who came to Christ this year at the prayer station!" Miller exclaimed.
This year 35 families came to the First Way Pregnancy Center Christmas party.

At Women First Pregnancy Options in Hempstead, New York, a certain donor asks every year how many baby saves the center had over the previous year. Then he and his wife create handwritten Christmas cards for each mom and baby that say ‘Jesus Loves You’ on the envelope and have $20 with a prayer card inside.
These are just a few examples of how in addition to their life-saving service and support throughout the year pregnancy help centers walk the walk at Christmastime in helping client to embrace life.