A mom who took the chemical abortion pill was blessed with a second chance at motherhood through Abortion Pill Reversal, and she is grateful this Christmastime for the life of her son.
“Dexter is the gift of second chances this Christmas,” Cassidy said. “Every day I thank God for my second chance and all these resources that were put in my path that have helped me navigate life as a new mom tremendously.”

Facing an unplanned pregnancy, Cassidy thought abortion was her only choice. And accepting as true the lie of “choice” so often sold to women by the abortion lobby, she took the abortion pill. Experiencing regret, she found the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and after being connected with Coastline Women's Center she was promptly prescribed the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) protocol. Coastline is one of more than 1,400 providers in the APRN.
The chemical abortion regimen is comprised of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the progesterone in the pregnancy mom’s system, starving her baby of necessary nutrients. A day or two later when the misoprostol is taken, it causes the mother to go into labor and deliver her deceased child.
Abortion Pill Reversal consists of prescribing bioidentical progesterone after mifepristone is taken to counter the mifepristone’s effects. It is an updated application of a treatment used since the 1950s to combat miscarriage.
If a mom acts soon enough after taking the first abortion drug it may be possible to save her unborn child through abortion pill reversal. Statistics show that to date, more than 4,500 lives and counting have been saved via APR.
“I thank God for being able to say “yes” to something I had no idea how I would be able to accomplish but knew when I saw that heartbeat on that screen that I would do anything and gain the courage to take the steps to figure it out,” said Cassidy.
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“Dexter was born May 15, 2023; love at first sight is an understatement,” she said. “Being a mother is an absolute joy and I have found my purpose.”
Cassidy was so grateful for her son’s life being saved through a successful chemical Abortion Pill Reversal that she shared her story through social media in hopes of saving other moms from going through with a chemical abortion. She even drove 10 hours last April while 38 weeks pregnant to tell her story at a Heartbeat International event in conjunction with Heartbeat’s annual pregnancy help conference. Heartbeat International, the largest network of pregnancy help organization in the U.S. and the world, manages the APRN.
Thinking at one point before her chemical abortion was reversed that there was no hope, she is especially thankful this holiday season for the blessing of her son.
“I thank God for that gut feeling that I had to seek a second chance and call that number for the Abortion Pill Rescue Network after taking mifepristone,” Cassidy said, “and their part in working together with the pregnancy help center to save my sons life and reverse the effects of the first abortion pill at a time when I thought all hope was lost.”
Tweet This: I thank God for that gut feeling I had to seek a 2nd chance and call that # for the Abortion Pill Rescue Network after taking mifepristone

“Dexter and I are pretty much attached at the hip, and he is the happiest baby ever,” she said. “The way he looks at me with those cute dimples just melts my heart and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.”
Cassidy said the Lord has been working hard in her life, she and Dexter have been able to get a home of their own. They absolutely love it, she said, and “are at so much peace.”
“It’s become very clear to me that I didn’t just save Dexter,” Cassidy said. “Dexter saved me.”
Cassidy said she is excited to wake up Christmas morning and open presents, “however no gift could compare to the gift of second chances, which is Dexter!”
“Thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, I don’t have to think about who Dexter would have been,” she said, “And I get to see his beautiful smile beam every Christmas morning when he opens his presents for the rest of our lives.”

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. This article has been updated.