“Powerful” life-saving training ready for pregnancy help registrants

“Powerful” life-saving training ready for pregnancy help registrantsHeartbeat International's Pregnancy Help Institute

Servants in the pregnancy help movement are on the front lines of saving lives, whether in leadership, fundraising or medical care, and this means the support and services they offer change the world one client at a time. 

Pregnancy help organization (PHO) staff have the perfect opportunity to train, connect, bond, and strategize with others in the pregnancy help community, all while fostering commitment to their calling through Heartbeat International’s Pregnancy Help Institute (PHI).

The training pregnancy help staff members take is important - and PHI meets the need with unparalleled instruction.

Heartbeat’s PHI has given thousands of pregnancy help leaders professional training each year since 2007, with crucial elements continually added to the program as the pregnancy help movement has expanded and adapted to meet clients’ needs.

Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with approximately 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 70 countries worldwide.

PHI attendees have described the week-long rigorous training as informative, empowering, encouraging, insightful and inspiring.

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This year’s Institute takes place July 26-30 in Columbus, Ohio. Registration is open and pregnancy help staff are encouraged to register as space is limited.

Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey underscored how PHI benefits PHOs as a valuable investment in people.

"One of the greatest investments a board can make into the missional outcomes they seek is to invest in the people who, every day, work to meet them,” he said. “Pregnancy Help Institute is a uniquely intimate week of training, connection, camaraderie, and confidence building.”

“It is a powerful investment opportunity for boards to make in their key leaders," Godsey added.  

Tweet This: 1 of the greatest investments a board can make in the mission outcomes they seek is to invest in the people who work every day to meet them

PHI is organized under four intensive tracks: Leadership, Development, New Director, and Ultrasound. 

The Institute incorporates executive-level instruction in a small-group setting, where participants learn from experts alongside fellow pregnancy help leaders.

Facilitators work with attendees in the small, interactive groups on their respective topics for a full week to ensure individual growth.

The New Director track is geared for directors with fewer than three years of experience. Those responsible for donor development and fundraising in PHOs will benefit from the Development track. The Leadership track is created for more experienced leaders seeking further leadership development. The ultrasound track is designed for the beginning nurse or sonographer and presented by Heartbeat’s by Medical Impact team of experienced sonographers and registered nurses.

Across the four track offerings, Pregnancy Help Institute provides personalized, in-depth, corporate training at non-profit cost, and the opportunity for self-investment for staff, along with powerful relationship building.

More information on PHI and registration specifics are available HERE.

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.

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