The nation’s largest abortion business recently announced it would be making layoffs, which might lead one to think this could result in fewer abortions or that the abortion business was in trouble. Unfortunately, the reduction in staff actually means more dollars put toward pushing abortion.
Planned Parenthood announced a “strategic decision” to restructure by laying off staff at the national level and using the funds freed up by this effort to “build a powerful movement for abortion access at the local and state level.”
The abortion giant’s statement says that its “power is in the scale of its infrastructure across the country.”
It states further:
“Our big bet? Centering and scaling health equity in an ever-changing health care landscape, and building the infrastructure at the intersection of movements for freedom is our path forward. And it starts with investing in the states.”
Abortion providers and proponents have strived endlessly to preserve abortion access since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision and the issue of abortion regulation was given back to the individual states.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund will begin this “deployment of financial resources” this summer, according to the press release.
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Some 10%-15% of the abortion provider’s 725-750 employees could be let go in June, possibly as many as 100 people, said Alexis McGill-Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America & Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
With the continued rise in chemical abortions, it seems clear the abortion giant wants to focus on abortion pills, which require no in-person medical appointment, and therefore, fewer staff.
While it is cutting staff at the national level Planned Parenthood is funneling money to augment remote abortion access, stating it “will also make deeper investments in digital and health care platforms that provide patients streamlined access to sexual and reproductive health care and information no matter where they live. These investments total more than $70 million.”
Beginning in July Planned Parenthood’s national office will begin “expanding PPFA’s investment in health care service delivery and abortion access by directing more resources directly to Planned Parenthood affiliates …”
It will also “increase investment in cutting edge technology” to expand its record system across state lines, boost telemed abortion, and invest in “innovative approaches to education, establishing Planned Parenthood as a beacon for sex education …”
Political and community organizing is also still part of the budget, as Planned Parenthood promises to “mobilize supporters to protect and expand access to sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice; building an intersectional movement; developing research-based content to reduce stigma and shift societal beliefs; and working strategically in states to rebuild the federal right to abortion.”
It will also “make robust investments in national and state elections, ballot initiatives, and constitutional amendments — because when abortion is on the ballot, it wins.”
Also on the list is the launch if a Black Health Equity Initiative purportedly to “center the health and well-being of Black women.” Anytime Planned Parenthood speaks about a focus on minorities it invokes the racist leanings of its founder Margaret Sanger.
All of this begs a reminder that a significant portion of the large amount of money that Planned Parenthood takes in is in the form of taxpayer subsidies.
In its latest annual report Planned Parenthood reported $1.9 billion in income and over $2.3 billion in net assets, which was an increase from the previous report. And Planned Parenthood’s excess of total revenue over total expenses was $204.7 million.
Further, from a factsheet compiled by the Charlotte Lozier Institute:
Taxpayer funding in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements hit $670.4 million, or almost $1.9 million per day– an annual increase of $1 million from the previous year to make up 35% of Planned Parenthood’s overall revenue.
So business is still good for the biggest abortion provider in the U.S.
And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Planned Parenthood would rid itself of upwards of a hundred employees to invest more resources in abortion, after all the lives of hundreds of thousands of unborn children are ended each year to benefit its financial bottom line.