Harnessing the value of experience gained through years of work within the pregnancy help movement, each year Heartbeat International invites those serving in pregnancy help to share their knowledge and expertise through its Annual Conference. Heartbeat issued the call for presenters for its 2022 Conference this week.
Heartbeat International is the largest network of pregnancy help in the world, serving more than 2,800 affiliated pregnancy help locations on every populated continent, wherever abortion alternatives are provided.
Heartbeat's Annual Conference is likewise the largest pregnancy help conference in the world, providing valuable education and networking opportunities for leaders in the pregnancy help community. The Conference is designed for ministry leaders, staff, board members, and volunteers of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and non-profit adoption agencies, as well as professionals in the areas of medicine, counseling, social work, and education.
Heartbeat has committed to a Conference including both an in-person and a virtual element to continue reaching a larger audience around the world. The pregnancy help network has seen a large increase in online engagement with its trainings, starting with the 2020 Conference, which allowed Heartbeat to bring its Conference content to affiliates across the world for the first time without their having to travel. Presenters at the 2022 Conference can present virtually, in-person, or both.
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The next Conference will take place March 30 - April 1 in Jacksonville, Florida, with the theme of "Onward." The 2021 "Essential" theme reflected the essential nature of pregnancy help and those who serve in the movement, especially so given the challenges of the last year and a half. The 2021 Conference was also a chance for Heartbeat to celebrate its 50th anniversary with affiliates and look back upon its history and origins. The "Onward" theme for 2022 invites the pregnancy help movement to continue onward in service to women and families in need.
"People crave information and we know that many out there have valuable insight that can help advance the pregnancy help movement," Heartbeat International Vice President of Ministry Services said Betty McDowell said. "We invite them to submit a workshop proposal to present at our 2022 Annual Conference."
Interested presenters should create a workshop outline that will cover 60 minutes of teaching content, and then complete the online form. Presenters can submit more than one presentation, but each presentation must be submitted via a separate form. Interested parties should submit the online form for review by Heartbeat's Conference planning team before the deadline of Sept. 20, 2021.
Key dates to keep in mind:
September 20, 2021 - Deadline for submitting proposals
October 2021 - Proposal status updates (yes/no) emailed to submitters
November 15, 2021 - Confirmation/commitment from presenter received
March 30 - April 1, 2022 - Heartbeat International Annual Conference
The general submission guidelines can be found HERE. The submission form is available HERE.
Questions can be submitted to
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.