With 5K+ adoption inquiries after Oklahoma boy in foster care pleads for family - How did things work out?

With 5K+ adoption inquiries after Oklahoma boy in foster care pleads for family - How did things work out?Jordan in interviewed about his hopes to be adopted (KFOR Oklahoma screen capture)

For those of us whose foster care experience is limited to trending television -- I’m thinking the “Deja” storyline on NBC’s This is Us -- it’s no surprise when real life scenarios double the heartache. 

But there’s one news story with a happy ending.  A nine-year old boy who spent the better half of his life in foster care asked for a family and got one. 

Last August news station KFOR Oklahoma interviewed young Jordan and the footage of his plea went viral: 

“I would just like to have a family to call mom and dad, or just a mom, or just a dad. I don’t really care.” 

Within the first 12 hours of airing over 5,000 applications came in. Within days, emails, calls and inquiries capped at over 10,000. Everyone wanted to help, including those living in not-so-nearby states like Florida and New Jersey. 

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Child Welfare Specialist Christopher Marlowe had been assigned to Jordan’s case and could attest to the boy’s journey of trying to find a “forever family.” 

Though previous inquiries had been made into adopting Jordan, the background issues disclosed in the process had left a gaping silence. To make matters worse, Jordan’s younger brother Braison had been adopted, separating a loving bond forged in trauma and abuse. 

“It was very difficult for Jordan,” Marlow said. “He misses his brother a lot.” 

Braison’s adoptive family is open to having the brothers reconnect and rebuild their relationship. 

As applications continued to arrive both to A Place Called Home, the care facility where Jordan has been staying, and to the KFOR station, Marlowe eagerly reviewed profiles with his team. 

He was “very hopeful” that the influx of inquiries would result in a breakthrough for Jordan. 

Well, 17 days later Jordan got his wish. 

On August 28 KFOR reported that the information regarding the adoption is private-- and for good reason. Jordan needs personalized love, attention and care to authentically heal from his past. 

Yet his story continues. 

Jordan was just three years old when placed in foster care, and just one of more than 400,000 children currently in the U.S. system with a quarter ready for adoption. The Department of Health and Human Services reiterates that there is always a need for foster families, especially for older children, sibling groups and children with special needs. 

Tweet This: Jordan, 9, & one of more than U.S. 400,000 children in foster care, asked for a family to adopt him on TV, & more than 5K inquiries came in.

If you were moved by Jordan’s story and are considering foster care and adoption, learn more about the process and what you can do through Focus on the Family’s Wait No More program, which helps educate and empower families to help waiting kids in foster care.

And for those who aren’t in the position to open their homes to foster or adopt? 

Jordan’s signoff in the original report on his story remains a call to action for families everywhere: 

“The reason it’s important is because so I could have some people to talk to anytime I need to.”

May this 2021 prove a year of mending relationships and praising the blessings we already have. 

Editor’s note: Pregnancy Help News is managed by Heartbeat International. Heartbeat currently has 96 affiliated non-profit adoption agency locations.

Some resources for adoption include: A Lifetime Adoption, Bethany Christian Services, BraveLove, Hope For Families, and Love Basket Domestic and International Adoption Ministry.

National Adoption Awareness Month raises awareness for adoption each year.


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