The sunrise spilled across the landscape, generating splashes of orange, rose, and powder blue. Male turkeys gathered, gobbles resounding as they displayed their fanned tails and strutting to show off for the females as dawn slowly replaced dark.
Such a scene is common this time of year in Wyoming. With winter giving way to spring, the courtship among bird species, like wild turkeys, sage grouse, and sandhill cranes, delights the eyes and ears. Daylight lasts longer and grows steadier as spring deepens, casting out the darkness with longer periods of light.
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Jesus proclaims in John 8:12, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.”
We know He is our light, our guide, as we walk through this dark world. We need His light and guidance in this work we do to save women, unborn children, and families from the darkness of abortion.
Jesus also says, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14 – 16). Isn’t that what we do in our pregnancy centers?
We shine the light and love of Christ upon the women who walk through our doors. The darkness of fear, confusion, and pressures from loved ones envelopes them, much like winter cold encompasses the landscape. We provide warmth, offering hope, compassion, and caring. We bring the Light of Christ through tangible services and kindhearted care, and by presenting the Gospel of love and grace. Our centers, our work, is that lamp on a stand, shining lights amid the darkness of evil and death.
Jesus faced darkness, evil, and death. The devil’s temptations. The Jews’ rejections and accusations. His arrest. The mocking and scourging. Jesus’ crucifixion took His body into a tomb where He lay for three days. But that’s not the end of the story.
Jesus triumphed over darkness, evil, and death. Like a brilliant spring sunrise, His resurrection brought forth light, and He gives eternal life to all who humbly come to Him. Jesus, through His Easter resurrection, brings light to darkened, hardened souls. Those of us who place trust in Him and leave sin behind will experience Jesus’ glorious Light when we enter His Heavenly Kingdom and spend eternity with the Son and the Father and leave this dark world behind.
In the meantime, we are the light of the world, just as Jesus said. As spring brings brighter light from the dark and dreary months of winter, so we are light bearers to the One True Light, helping to vanquish the gloom of hopelessness and fear.

With light comes color. Spring brings yellow and purple crocus, pink, red, and purple tulips, white and pink crabapple blossoms, lavender lilac blooms, green grass, and so much more. Buds sprout on trees while gardens burst forth with various herbs and flowers. Life emerges from dormancy thanks to sunlight and moisture. Cold vanishes and warmth takes root. Birds sing and build nests. Animals give birth – cattle and sheep, cats and dogs, and wild creatures like deer and fox. With glee, we observe the changes and bask in the coming of life all around us as spring enters our world.

Spring and Easter – lights in darkness. Life triumphant over death.
Those of us in the pregnancy help movement delight in the life we see: the tiny heartbeats and movement of limbs on the ultrasound screen; the joy of new moms and dads learning to become parents in our classes; the tears of happiness when a client receives new life in Christ by accepting His grace and love; a pre-born child saved through Abortion Pill Reversal®; a life born when it might have died in abortion. The newness we experience in our clients when they choose life for their unborn is like a sunny, flowering, spring day.
We recently moved our clocks ahead and our calendars in the Northern Hemisphere indicated spring arrived a few weeks ago. I believe spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Perhaps it’s the light and the life that comes with the season. Perhaps it’s why Easter falls, for most of us, during spring.
As I watch the sun shine brighter and longer, flowers emerge from the ground, birds sing and create nests, and grass and leaves grow, my heart delights in the beauty with which God blesses us during this season. I imagine Him smiling, joyful at His creation and the life His children share with others, God’s shining lights in this darkened world.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Reversal® Network and Pregnancy Help News.