One of the biggest lies perpetrated by the abortion industry is that women cannot be successful without access to abortion. They feed into a woman’s fear while facing an unplanned pregnancy without giving her hope or real options.
I know firsthand that the abortion industry does not take care of women.
I was a senior in high school when I walked through the door of their death facility. I believed in the false narrative that I had to have an abortion so that I did not destroy my future.
I was there, inside those rooms. I lay there and talked with their nurses.
I called with questions after I left and was treated like a nobody. Which, I most certainly was to them. I was just another young pregnant teenager that they had successfully marketed into having an abortion.
I was able to keep my baby and my abortion secret from my parents. The boyfriend that I thought would stay around if I were no longer pregnant, broke up with me the day after I went for my abortion.
I began living with an emotion that was too heavy for me to process in my tender years - guilt.
Turns out, my high school boyfriend broke up with me because he could not face the guilt of having been a willing part of the abortion either. Guilt forced him to shut down and run away.
Guilt irrevocably ruled and changed both of our lives in awful ways for many years thereafter. This is what the abortion industry does not want to talk about.
The abortion industry speaks of empowering women.
I was empowered into confusion. I was empowered in deception as I continued to hide the pregnancy and abortion from my loved ones. I was empowered into being promiscuous as I searched for ways to make myself feel better, ways to make me feel connected.
I was empowered at deception, even going as far as to convince myself that nothing had changed. This further empowered me to have relationships that were devoid of real emotions.
I had empowered myself so much that I closed off my real emotions, so everything I presented to everyone else was empty.
I was empowered to be a follower. I followed the abortion industry’s advice, all the while ignoring the things inside myself that were telling me this was wrong.
I was an empowered, promiscuous, emotionally empty party girl that lacked substance because of how I had broken the fundamental, natural, maternal instincts within myself. That is the empowerment of the abortion industry.
Tweet This: The abortion industry speaks of empowering women. I was empowered into confusion. I was empowered at deception.
You see, the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margret Sanger, never intended abortion to be female empowerment. She intended it to be the annihilation of the very essence of the race from which I am descended.
“We don’t want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” That is what the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margret Sanger, considers to be women’s empowerment.
For all intents and purposes, Planned Parenthood’s founder has had great success in her vision with the extermination of the Negro population as black women account for over 40% of the abortions performed. When I read that number as a black woman, I feel neither empowered nor successful.
After my abortion, I was blessed to have found my way back to God.

My faith put me on a path to find support that allowed me to do the work within myself to enhance my life and expand my beliefs.
There are many women who are still suffering from the lies they thought would set them free. They spend years under the heavy burden of loneliness, guilt, and shame.
In so many ways, my journey was an eye-opening experience. I began to realize that abortion had not been my only option, it was just the loudest advertised idea that was before me at the time.
I began to learn of the many organizations that existed that truly help with real empowerment at the forefront of their support. I wished I had known about them when I was a teenager. The more educated I became, the more I made it my mission to be a part of these organizations. I wanted to learn about, help be a resource, and be the support that I needed as a teenager.
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Merriam Webster defines success as “a degree or measure of succeeding, a favorable or desired outcome.” The abortion industry slings this word around, sandwiched between empowerment and women.
I am not sure that they truly understand what it means.
Saying women need an abortion to be successful places upon us an inferior power the likes of which we have not been under since before we earned the right to vote.
Who sets the limits on what we can or cannot accomplish with or without children in tow?
The last time I checked, some of the most successful women I know have children. Fundamental attributes for success should not be determined by dividing mothers vs. women.
The pro-choice movement professes that you need access to abortion to thrive.
Since when does murder coexist with thriving?
Since when is murder considered a vital part of a successful life?
There is nothing empowering about taking the life of your own child. It changes you.
Tweet This: There is nothing empowering about taking the life of your own child.
No matter how much they try to normalize it, it is never normal to strip away from the women what is natural. Abortion is not the way toward empowerment, it is the way toward self-destruction.
Tweet This: Abortion is not the way toward empowerment, it is the way toward self-destruction.
The argument for abortion loses power once you realize that there are other resources out there that provide real, empowering support.
Maybe the biggest mistake is that these resources are not loud enough yet.
Believe me, people like myself and many other pro-life advocates are working to change that.
Organizations like Heartbeat International, Students for Life, Standing with You, and other pregnancy resource centers offer real support for those with unplanned pregnancies. These organizations are there not just through the pregnancy, but beyond, when additional support is needed.
Maybe you need support so you can carry that baby to term and embrace a new life for your future. There are resources for that.
Maybe you need support to find a loving family to adopt your baby. There are resources for that.
I believe the current statistic is 36 couples praying and waiting for a baby to be placed up for adoption at any given point. Abortion is not the only option. Gifting the world with the gift only you can create is the epitome of successful empowerment.
Denying this is a denial of the real power of women.
Editor's note: This article is a Pregnancy Help News original. Click HERE for abortion recovery resources. Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.