A deputy poses as a 13-year-old girl to track down a sexual predator. An abortionist becomes a pro-life physician and advocate. A man assists an exorcist. Each face evil in different scenarios, the dark forces that battle for human souls. Through God’s grace, they embrace the Light and now help to share that Light with others.
These three people are featured in John DiGirolamo’s new book, It's Not About The dEvil: True Stories About Fighting Evil in the Modern World. In it he shares true stories of three ordinary people whom God is using in various ways to impart truth about dark forces assaulting our society, including predators of teenagers, human trafficking rings, and abortion advocates.
DiGirolamo said his hope is for people to be “be inspired to push back on modern evil,” when they read the book.
“I hope they find these stories compelling and want to find out what happens next,” he said. “There are things to learn in each of those[three] chapters.”

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From abortion to pro-life: Dr. Catherine Wheeler
One of the individuals profiled in the book is Dr. Catherine Wheeler, who shares a first-person account of going from abortionist to pro-life OB-GYN.
“God redeemed my life. He stopped me from doing abortions 15 years before I became a Christian,” she said.
The last abortion she performed was on a teenager. The young girl and her mother were both in agreement that abortion was the teen’s best option for having a quality life, including college. At first, Wheeler refused. She had made the decision several years prior to no longer perform abortions. However, the mother and daughter insisted; Wheeler had been the girl’s medical provider for many years, and they both said they only trusted her and that they didn’t want to go to an abortion clinic. Wheeler relented and performed the abortion.
In the book she relates how, during the procedure, she felt a presence, a darkness, enveloping the operating room.
She wrote, “I didn’t see his face, but make no mistake, he was there. I was in the same room as Lucifer.”
Wheeler quit performing abortions and now, a “forgiven and redeemed” Christian, she is a pro-life advocate.
“I didn’t realize until I moved to Colorado how extreme abortion was in our country,” she said. “I didn’t know abortions were done to full-term in the United States. I had to look it up.”
An abortionist in Colorado, Warren Hern, has performed third-trimester (“late-term”) abortions for decades.
Wheeler participated in the Colson Fellows program, which spotlights Christian a worldview, and, through that experience she felt God prompting and “pushing” her to share her story and to speak out against abortion.
“I did finally make the agreement with God to do whatever He said to end this atrocity,” she said. “When John got in touch with me, I had made my promise to God, and it was an open door.”
Bringing Light into the darkness
Whether abortion or human trafficking, the evil one’s hand controls the darkness dial.
“Who is the ultimate predator? It’s Satan,” DiGirolamo told Pregnancy Help News.

“The focus of John’s book is the evil,” Wheeler said.
“We hear from a lot of abortionists that a couple of things happened that got them to stop,” she said. “It’s always that they suddenly recognize the humanity of the baby that they were killing.”
And secondly, said Wheeler, they realize the barbarism, the awfulness, of what happens in an abortion.
“It seems odd you have to recognize this when you’re doing this stuff,” she told Pregnancy Help News. “But it’s true – there’s a blindness there, you’re so convinced that you’re doing what you have to be doing.”
“For me, it actually ended with the awareness of the evil,” she said. “It was in the middle of an abortion that I became aware of the evil that I was doing.”
Joining the Colson Fellowship helped shape her pro-life journey.
“Within months, God opened the door for me to start speaking about abortion, what’s actually true about abortion,” Wheeler said.
She participates in a speaking panel called Life Decisions alongside other physicians who conduct speaking engagements as well as serves on the board of American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) and the board for Pro-Life Colorado, as well as on the medical side of the Save the Storks board of directors, and she said is helping to “advance medical care in pregnancy resource centers.”
Wheeler has also testified before the Colorado legislature and helped start a chapter of AAPLOG in the state.
Colorado remains a major pro-abortion state. A measure is on the ballot this fall to put abortion into the state constitution, Wheeler said. And last year the state attempted to ban Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), prompting a lawsuit. Currently, one pregnancy help clinic, Bella Health and Wellness, is the only organization that can offer APR after a judge issued a temporary stay based on Bella’s freedom of religion grounds until” the lawsuit is finalized,” Wheeler said.
Additionally, a nurse/midwife who provided progesterone to “save a life” may have her license revoked for her work, Wheeler told Pregnancy Help News.
“Her license is on the line right now,” she said. “We’ve got people taking very bold stands to do the right thing to save life, so we are on the forefront.”
Tweet This: “We’ve got people taking very bold stands to do the right thing to save life, so we are on the forefront”- pro-life OB-GYN
What to do?
To combat the darkness of abortion, human trafficking, and the occult, pro-life people need to become more educated as to what these issues are and to “push back on the narrative,” DiGirolamo said.
“The people who scream the loudest get the attention – don’t be the silent majority anymore,” he said. “But it’s tough. But if you’re going to be an advocate in pro-life, conflict is going to be in that path.”

“The average American needs to have their heart broken by what abortion is,” Wheeler said. “We’re just in this country tolerating it. Abortion is a word to people [but] what abortion really is the horrific killing of a human being. We’re just tolerating it and going about our daily lives.”
Wheeler challenged people to read three things about abortion every day for 30 days and “pray for their heart to be broken.”
“I think then more people will be willing to have those hard conversations and go to our churches and say, ‘What are we doing about this atrocity that’s happening?’” she said, adding, that abortion is “destroying our society and our world.”
“God has given value to everybody’s life,” DiGirolamo said. “I think it all comes down to what you celebrate, and that’s the question we need to ask – ‘What are you celebrating?’”
DiGirolamo’s book is available on Amazon, from Barnes and Noble, and from the author's website HERE.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the suject of two lawsuits by the Attorneys General of California and New York concerning sharing information on Abortion Pill Reversal.