Chris Smith
- 436 church attacks in 2023, zero prosecutions under the FACE Act, notes House hearing
- Congressional Republicans call for commemoration of historic overturning of Roe v. Wade
- Exposing abortion extremists: The Protect Pregnancy Care Centers Act of 2022
- Federal lawmakers advance pro-life measures as thousands gather to march for life
- Following Dobbs life states have potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives
- Hijacking the AIDS fight to advance global access to abortion
- House Democrats vote to codify Roe, quash federal and state-level pro-life laws
- Is Biden’s HHS targeting pregnancy centers for their pro-life mission? Pro-life Congress Members weigh in.
- Lawmakers call for answers amid reports that pro-life women were denied crucial medical care in jail
- Lawmakers request information from FBI about pro-life arrests, indictments
- Lawmakers, ambassadors commemorate global declaration challenging ‘right’ to abortion, upholding role of family
- March for Life announces speakers for 52nd annual March
- Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act sponsored by a third of U. S. House
- Republicans demand Biden include historic bipartisan pro-life protections in budget request
- ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act’ introduced in U.S. House of Representatives
- “This is a false narrative that's out there that we don't help women” – Pregnancy help highlighted on Capitol Hill
- “We will protect women and vulnerable children” – Trump, others pledge support for pregnancy help at March for Life