Canadian Pharmacists Association pushes chemical abortion

Canadian Pharmacists Association pushes chemical abortion

(Campaign Life Coalition) The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) appears to have completely lost its way with its recent release of a pharmacists’ toolkit aimed at killing developing children.

Earlier this week, the association, which bills itself as the national voice for the practice of pharmacy in Canada, enthusiastically posted on social media links to learning videos and pamphlets aimed at killing the youngest members of the human family.

“Micro-learning videos on medication abortion to support pharmacists are available,” the January 8 post stated. “These 5 videos provide all the information you need to know as you dispense the medications to end a pregnancy to your patients.”

Did you catch that—videos about how to dispense deadly drugs aimed at killing human babies?

Campaign Life Coalition

Following the provided links brings one to the CPhA website where one finds gushing language about “sexual and reproductive health (SRH)” being “vital to a person’s health and wellbeing.” Of course, excluded in this description of “persons” are those tiny male or female persons whose lives are of no consequence since they’ll be destroyed by abortion. There is no place in such a description for preborn persons. “A person is a person, no matter how small” does not apply to them.

Visitors to the website learn that CPhA has “created a toolkit that focuses on two types of SRH services: medication abortion and contraception, to support the provision of SRH services in pharmacies.”

How did “reproductive health” come to mean poisoning one’s body so it is hostile to new life, and if, by chance, a woman happens to conceive while on the poison, there’s a way to deal with that problem too, namely by killing the new life.

Shouldn’t reproductive health have to do with reproduction, not killing?

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One way of telling that something’s seriously wrong here is to notice the sweet-sounding euphemisms used to mask the dirty reality of what’s really going on. Such “doublespeak” is extremely useful in the killing industry, however, since it opens the door to more sales of killing drugs and more wealth for the drug makers.

Readers learn that the toolkit “includes a variety of resources for both pharmacists and patients in their care and are designed to easily integrate into practice as the scope of practice of pharmacists across Canada continues to expand.”

Here’s a case of blatant discrimination against one of the patients. When a pharmacist deals with a pregnant woman, the pharmacist is dealing with two patients, the mother and the preborn human residing in her body. It’s simply false to say there is only one patient here. But, conveniently ignoring the reality of the smaller patient means that this patient can be discriminated against. It can be pretended that this most vulnerable patient does not fall under “everyone” in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms when it states that “everyone has the right to life.” This kind of discrimination is especially useful when it comes to dealing with a human who gets in the way. Such discrimination allows for this person to be conveniently destroyed, erased, and annihilated.

CPhA’s website contains links to disgusting posters that pharmacists are encouraged to hang in their pharmacies proudly advertising that they dispense poisons that kill tiny humans.

“Universal coverage for medication abortion is available. Ask your pharmacist,” the posters state.

Campaign Life Coalition

Yes, ask your pharmacist to give you poison to kill your baby, as if it were a rat or a termite.

Ask your pharmacist to directly contravene the Hippocratic Oath which states that those who work in the field of medicine will “not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.”

Ask your pharmacist to kill, destroy, and tear down.

It’s shameful to say that many of today’s pharmacists have become killers and murderers. In dispensing the two-drug abortion cocktail Mifegymiso, they are really no different from the medical professionals who dispensed Zyklon B in the gas chambers of the Nazi exterminators, resulting in countless deaths.

In dispensing abortion drugs to kill humans, pharmacists have become just like the Nazis in their death camps. Pharmacies are the new centres of a horrific holocaust.

Leaders in the pro-life movement warned years ago that with the rise of chemical abortion, a time would come when pro-life advocates would need to move from picketing abortion mills to picketing pharmacies. With the rate of chemical abortions now surpassing surgical abortions, that time is now upon us.

Tweet This: Pro-life leaders warned years ago that with the rise of chemical abortion a time would come for pro-life advocates to picket pharmacies.

It’s entirely predictable that the CPhA has an entire page devoted to “debunking medication abortion myths.” The page, unsurprisingly, is silent on the huge elephant in the room, namely that taking the abortion pill is not merely some benign and morally neutral medical procedure, it is the direct and intentional killing of a preborn human being. The CPhA conveniently left out the fact that two Canadian women have been killed as a direct result of using chemical abortion. But, perhaps the CPhA thinks their lives are not important either.

How is it that pharmacists have allowed themselves so easily to be duped into doing the work of the devil, who was a “murderer from the beginning” (Jn. 8:44), rather than being the healers and preservers of life that their art calls them to be?

Every pharmacist who hands out the abortion drug Mifegymiso will one day have to give an account for every human life they aided in destroying. They have blood on their hands. “The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground.” (Gen. 4:9) The voices of the countless innocent slain are crying out for justice.

To all the pharmacists of conscience who refuse to dispense drugs to kill humans, thank you for your stance and for your witness. Our country needs more of you to speak up and say “no” to the killing. To any pharmacists who are reading this and who are struggling to practice their trade honourably, take courage and decide to be on the side of the babies, on the side of life. Making a stand for the weakest and most vulnerable among us is to deeply live the meaning of being “human.”

Editor's note: This article was published by Campaign Life Coalition and is reprinted with permission.

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