HSE reply to Deputy Carol Nolan TD [Teachta Dála] indicates another alarming increase in abortions
(Pro-Life Campaign) According to the latest reply from the HSE [Irish Health Service] to a Parliamentary Question about expenditure on abortions, the cost of payment claims from abortion performing doctors for the first six months of 2023 is very close to the total figure for 2019 when 6,666 abortions were recorded as having taken place.
It suggests that, if the trend continues, there will be another significant increase in abortions recorded at year’s end for 2023, exceeding the figure of 8,876 abortions for 2022, which was based on the payment claims from doctors submitted to the HSE for that 12 month period.
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Abortion doctors have already been paid €2,439,600 in the first six months of 2023, compared with €2,652,000 for the entire year in 2019, the first year where payments were recorded after the law changed to allow abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Well in excess of €25 million of taxpayers’ money has already been spent on abortion provision since 2019, when all expenditure, including capital expenditure, is added together.
In addition to taxpayers’ money being used to pay doctors vast sums to carry out these life ending procedures, taxpayers (and not the doctors themselves) are footing the bill for the abortion pills being used. In 2022 alone, the total amount spent on abortion pills was €887,657.
Not a single cent of all the monies spent in the area of unplanned pregnancy by the government in the past five years was used to promote positive alternatives to abortion. This shocking fact alone will have to become a major election issue for 2024 and in the run up to the next general election.
The FG/FF/Greens government have completely caved to the most extreme elements of the pro-abortion movement. Concerns expressed publicly by some senior members of government about Ireland’s soaring abortion rate ring very hollow when their words are matched against their abject failure to take the necessary steps to address the issue.
Thanks to the efforts of Oireachtas members like Carol Nolan TD and the pointed questions they demand answers to, our case is greatly strengthened as we intensify efforts to hold the government to account.

Editor's note: This article was published by Pro-Life Campaign and is reprinted with permission.