The Unplanned movie chronicling the story of pro-life activist Abby Johnson debuted successfully in Jamaica last week despite sabotage attempts by pro-abortion activists.
Pro-aborts disseminated false information on social media claiming the premiere had been called off, according to the film's lead actress, specifically that it was postponed to a later date and new location due to "challenges concerning the movie." The post promised the fake rescheduling of the premiere would be "bigger and better," and asked for "likes" and "shares" of its disingenuous message.

But their efforts were to no avail, said Unplanned star Ashley Bratcher, who attended the premiere and spoke out on Twitter about about the attempt to disrupt the event.
"This week prochoice activists in Jamaica attempted to derail the premiere of @UnplannedMovie by spreading false information on social media that the event had been cancelled," Bratcher tweeted November 21. "Their efforts FAILED."
Bratcher continued, "The premiere was a success & the movie is now available across the country!"
Unplanned premiered in the island nation November 19, six months after a private viewing for church leaders, members of Jamaica's Parliament and other luminaries, according to the Press Reader edition of a Daily Observer report.
It took a few months to get approval for the movie's release in Jamaica, the report said, but the process was nothing out of the ordinary.
Unplanned was released in the U.S. in March, and since has premiered in Canada, the Philippines, the UK, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Australia and Russia. The movie faced opposition with advertising, music rights and distribution due to its subject matter, and has grossed close to $20 million on a $6 million budget.
"Scores turned out" to see the Jamaica premier, the report said, with photos of Bratcher and others behind the movie, local hosts and a theater crowded with moviegoers.

The Unplanned Movie Twitter account posted about the Jamaica premiere as well, stating, "How can you show the movement of hearts & minds in a still photograph? If any image can, these #UnPlanned shots from the #Jamaica premiere do. Thanks @_AshleyBratcher & our selfless team members for supporting the release!"
The filmmakers subsequently joined Bratcher in calling out the pro-abortion attempt to disrupt the Jamaica premiere.
"Just check our last tweet to see his unsuccessful pro- #abortion activists were in attacking the #unplanned Jamaica premiere," they tweeted. "Huge kudos to @_AshleyBratcher, our partners in Jamaica, for bringing life to the fore."
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The Unplanned movie dramatizes Johnson's story of leaving her post as a Planned Parenthood director after eight years of working for the abortion giant. It is based on the 2010 book of the same name, penned by Johnson with author Cindy Lambert.
Bratcher learned after taking the role that her mother had come close to aborting her. Her mother informed her of this in an emotional conversation with Bratcher after the filming had begun. Bratcher said it was courageous for her mother to have her, and also to tell her the specifics around what had happened. The actress has spoken publicly as well about her own unplanned pregnancy as a young, single out-of-work woman, and the blessing her nine-year-old son has been in her family's life.
Editor's note: Inspired by her role in "Unplanned," Bratcher has partnered with Heartbeat International to offer educational scholarships to moms facing unplanned pregnancies so they can continue pursuing their dreams while raising their children. The Unplanned Movie Scholarship fund is accepting donations at Pregnancy Help News is a project of Heartbeat International.