The power of prayer and sidewalk ministry: Honolulu baby saved from chemical abortion

Students for Life of America

(SFLA) Students for Life of America (SFLA) Pacific Southwest Regional Coordinator Jordan Brittain was in Honolulu, Hawaii, when one interaction reminded her why the pro-life movement is critical to helping couples choose life and, in turn, save an innocent life. Read this incredible from Brittain and see how boots-on-the-ground prayer and education outside of abortion vendors make a difference.

It started a normal day in the life of a pro-life activist. After doing my typical outreach to schools and tabling at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, which brought new group sign-ups and fruitful conversations, I headed to the Honolulu Planned Parenthood to pray with the locals for the first day of 40 Days for Life. While I held signs with other pro-lifers and prayed, a couple parked behind one of our prayer warriors.  

They seemed confused and nervous and weren’t sure where they were going. This was a huge blessing in disguise. Parking in front of a meter instead of going through the garage allowed us to have a life-saving conversation. 

Anne, a dear friend and local who comes to Planned Parenthood three or four times a week, walked right up to them, said hello, and asked how they were doing. When she asked them why they were there, the woman said it was for STD testing.  

But Anne suspected that she was there for an abortion. So, Anne pointed out all the cameras and the uncleanliness of Planned Parenthood, and the woman agreed to go someplace possibly. Anne pushed further, asking to pray for them, asking for God’s covering of love and His provision.  

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As she finished the prayer, tears gathered in the woman’s and her husband’s eyes. The truth came out. The woman was five weeks pregnant, and believing the timing wasn’t right for a child, they were retrieving Chemical Abortion Pills.  

As Anne listened, she told her God’s timing is always good, and He is a provider. She also astutely pointed out to the woman that while Planned Parenthood said her insurance would cover the abortion, they wouldn’t.  

When on the sidewalk, we don’t just want women to walk away from an abortion vendor – we want to offer a better way, and that’s precisely what Anne did masterfully and compassionately. She gave them resources and told the couple that we could provide help and support, get baby items, and help with finances. 

It doesn’t mean that women immediately jump at the opportunity. At first, the couple refused help. Still, Anne steadfastly encouraged them to accept the help, exchanging phone numbers to stay in touch.  

Anne got to work, contacting a pregnancy help center (PHC) to acquire help once the couple reached out. 

The prayers and conversations worked – the woman decided not to take the chemical abortion pills, which cause infertility, injury, and death.  

“Abortion causes so much regret, and the pills themselves are harmful,” Anne explained to the couple. “Even though there is hope and healing after abortion, it can never be undone.” 

Tweet This: Prayers and conversations worked – a woman at risk for abortion decided not to take chemical abortion pills.

I know one sidewalk warrior who comes every week for an inspiring yet tragic reason. Many years ago, he took his girlfriend to get an abortion and has regretted it ever since. Now, he’s dedicated the better part of his life to helping men not to make the same choices he made.  

Thankfully, this couple didn’t make the same choice as he did. It was a miracle and precisely what we were praying for.   

This story highlights the power of prayer, being present on the sidewalk, and being willing to walk up to people and share the light of truth.  I am so grateful to these prayer warriors and happy I was there to witness this couple choose life!   

What a gift. 

Editor's note: Jordan Estabrook is Press Specialist and Online Editor for Students for Life of AmericaThis article was published by Students for Life of America and is reprinted with permission.

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