The 2024 election will impact abortion healing ministries

Many generous and faithful Christians serve in pregnancy help centers and healing after abortion programs across our great nation.  

Some of these disciples of Christ may struggle to find a candidate worthy of their vote and decide to sit out this election. They may reason that not voting would have no real impact on the pro-life ministries in their communities.

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The Democratic candidate for president, Kamala Harris, has a clear historical record of her time in office that should give all people of faith engaged in pro-life and abortion-healing outreach cause for concern.

As attorney general of California, Harris forced pregnancy resource centers to advertise abortion services as part of their outreach to pregnant women. 

In January 2016, a law went into effect forcing pregnancy centers to either display notices of abortion services or face repeated fines: $500 for the first offense and $1,000 for all subsequent offenses. A pregnancy center director from Sacramento shared, “First it was kind of a shock — we didn’t realize how hated we were… how despised we were.”

Fortunately, the Supreme Court rightly decided the California law violated the free speech rights of the state’s pregnancy centers.

But this was only a temporary setback for the abortion lobby.

A Harris-Walz administration would work to remove all obstacles to their radical agenda to federally mandate abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, nullify existing state pro-life laws, and attack pro-life Christian ministries across the country.

Targeting abortion healing programs

Rest assured, in time a Harris-Walz administration would likely set its sights on abortion-healing programs. With the full support of sympathetic media, the pro-abortion duo would malign such programs as dangerous Christian quackery.

A Harris-Walz administration would present persuasive narratives, purportedly exposing how these healing ministries are traumatizing vulnerable women. Clever misinformation would “reveal” how these Bible-based programs are created to instill debilitating guilt, depression, and anxiety, punishing these vulnerable women for making their “reproductive choice.”  

The full force of law and government could be used to bankrupt and destroy these very effective emotional and spiritual healing programs, and their leaders.

Please keep in mind that for many years the public has been subjected to relentless propaganda in schools, movies, television, and popular music. The messaging has been designed to present pro-life Christians as judgmental, hypocritical, mean-spirited, racist, ignorant, misogynist radicals.

A Harris-Walz administration would amplify such propaganda to help empower its radical abortion agenda and attack pro-life Christians and those serving in abortion-healing outreach.

The stakes have never been higher for pro-life and abortion-healing ministries across the U.S.

Tweet This: The stakes have never been higher for pro-life and abortion-healing ministries across the U.S. than during this election cycle.

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your decision to vote, and what imperfect candidate would be more likely to restrain the more radical, and diabolical evil that threatens our beloved republic.

Editor's note: Kevin Burke, MSS, is a pastoral associate with Priests for Life and co-founder of Rachel’s Vineyard. This article is a Pregnancy Help News original. Additional abortion recovery resources are available HERE.

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