Peanut allergies and abortion pills: Why ignore either risk?

Alex Green/Pexels

(Real Clear Politics) We don’t risk people’s lives when they’re allergic to peanuts, so why do we ignore the risks to women taking chemical abortion pills?

When it comes to chemical abortion pills, also known as RU-486, what did Kamala Harris know and when did she know it?

As the stories of two pregnant Georgia mothers who died came to light – similar to a death in New Mexico, it seems – the media has feigned medical and pharmacological expertise to lecture America (on Kamala’s behalf) that the drugs the FDA acknowledges have resulted in women’s deaths are not a problem. But women are dying and have been – and not just in Georgia. When will Harris and her Democratic Party cohorts own up to what they did that contributed to deadly risk?

When chemical abortion pills were hastily and recklessly approved as a “cure” for pregnancy – they came with a “black box” labelBlack box means a drug or drugs have “major risks,” including the capacity to kill the people taking it, which is a bad thing.

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Yet, three Democratic Party presidents and their pro-abortion cohorts forced the deadly pills onto the market. After the Dobbs case was picked up by the Supreme Court,  the Biden-Harris FDA proceeded to strip away health and safety standards for the concoction, saying when the ruling came down that (e)levating Medication Abortion" was central to the administration’s response to the Dobbs decision. Even before the discussion of recent deaths, the FDA reported that more than 30 women had died, but without a National Abortion Reporting law, true numbers are hidden through neglectful or non-existent accounting.

Harris’ current grandstanding on the campaign trail puts a long overdue conversation about chemical abortion pills front and center.

It’s not pro-life laws that hurt people – it’s chemical abortion pills that are the danger, exposing mothers to injury, infertility, and death; empowering sex abusers; and even risking environmental harm.

In their schizophrenic coverage, some media proclaim that the risks of the drugs are “rare,” which is ludicrous comfort to the families of those who may die, as when it comes to “risk” usually we act to mitigate it, rather than ignore it.

Tweet This: “Why ignore the deadly risks of chemical abortion pills? Women are dying, yet @VP and others turn a blind eye.”

Case in point: peanuts.

Consider that 1-2% of Americans have a peanut allergy, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. With those important people in mind, all of American life has changed, from parties at schools to airplane snacks. Yet, “(a)pproximately 2% of all pregnancies are ectopic,” reports the Journal of American Medical Association. Chemical abortion pills don’t end an ectopic pregnancy, which is embedded outside the womb, so handing out pills that cause bleeding won’t work.

To address that risk, an ultrasound should be required, the only way to be sure where the new human life has implanted. This would also screen out women later in pregnancy – when the pills don’t work well either. In the case of one of the Georgia women who died, she was reportedly pregnant with twins – which would seem to be important information when attempting to trigger an intentional abortion.

An ultrasound would save lives and identify risks, so why doesn’t the Biden-Harris FDA demand that pre-screening? 

And then there is the growing epidemic of infertility, as 15% of the population is Rh-negative, while our government says that 11% of women of reproductive age in the United States have experienced fertility problems. Are these things connected?

I, Kristi, am one of those Rh-negative women. In four pregnancies, I had multiple shots of RhoGAM to prevent deadly antibodies from attacking future pregnancies – including when I was in a fender bender at seven months pregnant, in case my placenta had torn and bled. An exchange of blood between mother and child, by miscarriage, birth, or abortion can trigger the creation of antibodies that must be dealt with immediately or endured as a threat forever.

Yet, the abortion industry doesn’t want to treat that condition, as it may slow down sales. Preserving fertility takes time … not a lot, but what do abortionists care about women wanting children in the future?

In addition, love of abortion is no excuse for allowing abortion-related water pollution, as chemically tainted blood, placenta tissue, and human remains are flushed into America’s waterways in the current abortion-at-home-and-school milieu.

To address that concern, three of the four citizen petitions that Students for Life of America has submitted to the FDA – prerequisites to legal action – highlight another casualty to the hasty sale of chemical abortion pills – clean water for all.

Surely Kamala Harris, with her proclaimed environmental values, should value drinkable water, especially as her home state of California – a sanctuary state for abortion – is now recycling toilet water, complete with aborted human remains, for consumption.

Both the Biden-Harris Administration and the FDA, as well as previous Democratic Party administrations, should have made patient and environmental safety their goal.

No matter what the FDA said while Bill Clinton was President, pregnancy is not a disease cured” by abortion. The willingness of abortion radicals to ignore all risks to help their friends at Planned Parenthood make a profit should be investigated, while at a bare minimum, the dangers of chemical abortion pills should be communicated to those who will be exposed to them.

The “Pro-Life Generation” hopes that former President Trump will add to the list of weaponized agencies and policies for review the shameful neglect of women’s lives and fertility embraced by the abortion lobby in control of the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services. Chemical abortion pills kill – not as a side effect, and not just the preborn infants who are their intended victims.

Editor's note: Kristan Hawkins is president of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action, with more than 1,400 groups on middle and high school, college and university, medical and law school campuses in all 50 states. Follow her @KristanHawkins or subscribe to her podcast, “Explicitly Pro-Life.” Kristi Stone Hamrick is vice president for media and policy at Students for Life Action. This article was published by Real Clear Politics and is reprinted with permission.

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