Massachusetts woman tells how Abortion Pill Reversal saved her son’s life


(SFLA) As chemical abortion pill stories have been circulating, ending tragically for mothers and always in the death of preborn children, hopeful stories still abound. Many women regret their decision to mid-chemical abortion process and quickly pivot to the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).  

Krystle Arce is one of those women who recently shared her story with The Christian Post. When Arce and her boyfriend found out she was unexpectedly pregnant, she was petrified of becoming a mom, giving up her flexible lifestyle, and dealing with such a big life change. 

She did what many desperate women do – go to a local Planned Parenthood. At the abortion business, she was met by cold employees who gave her very little information about how to “end her pregnancy.” Per usual for the abortion industry, there was no real conversation about her different options, like choosing adoption or parenting.  

“I then went into a third room, where I was given the first abortion pill,” Arce wrote in The Christian Post. “They handed me a brown paper bag with the next pill and sent me on my way. When I left, I immediately felt regret and an overwhelming feeling that I had not made the right decision.” 

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She frantically searched the internet for a solution.  

“What happens if I don’t take the second abortion pill?” she typed.  

Through her online searches, she learned about Abortion Pill Reversal. If a woman takes progesterone, the hormone that sustains pregnancy, soon after the first abortion pill is taken, it can counteract the deadly effects of the pill. Over 5,000 babies have been saved through APR, despite the state of New York’s attempt to sue Heartbeat International over APR’s “lack of medical safety” (hint: progesterone is perfectly safe and used to prevent miscarriages in pregnant women).  

Arce connected with a local pregnancy help center and got her first ultrasound. Unlike her very transactional experience at Planned Parenthood, she was met with compassion and understanding. They let her see her baby on the ultrasound and explained to her the stages of development. The staff didn’t treat her as an object on the abortion assembly line. Rather, they treated her like a person with dignity. They sat and listened to her concerns, gave her space to cry. They gave her, unlike Planned Parenthood, a feeling of hope.  

Arce’s baby was thankfully saved by APR saved by APR and continued to grow and develop. Her son Leo was born, and Arce loves him more than anything. She brings him to visit the pregnancy help center staff, who became her second family.  

“Leo just turned two in April,” Arce wrote. “He loves trucks, dinosaurs, and Spider-Man. We have two dogs, and they love to chase Leo around the house. Every day, he is learning something new. Everyone calls him my miracle baby.”  

Tweet This: Arce’s son Leo, saved through Abortion Pill Reversal, just turned two & he loves trucks, dinosaurs & Spider-Man. He's his Mom's miracle baby

As the abortion debate is heating up this election, it’s ignored and denied by the media that abortion leaves women broken, empty, and regretful. Stories like Arce’s remind the pro-life movement that despite how hard the media pushes, pro-life organizations fight every day to give children like Leo a life story and show women like Arce there are other options.  

In Arce’s case, the regret didn’t take years to manifest – she felt it as soon as she walked out of Planned Parenthood. Even though abortion has been normalized and pushed on young women for so many years as the solution for an unplanned pregnancy, Arce knew in her heart abortion wasn’t right. Still, women have internalized that message, leading them to turn to death mills like Planned Parenthood and other independent abortion vendors.   

But no amount of social conditioning can change what we intrinsically know about human life. We all know that life in the womb is valuable, even to those who deny it and champion abortion. That’s why we have baby showers and marvel at precious sonogram photos. Not because of a “potential” life, but because of the human already growing. 
Unfortunately, those who should be affirming this basic truth, that human life is valuable in the womb, are the ones deceiving women. Many physicians and healthcare workers who should know better than anyone else that humanity begins in the womb, are convincing women their babies are nothing but clumps of cells, yet to be a person.  

And tragically, women are footing the bill for this moral fraud. Women who choose abortion are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, including suicidal thoughts, even from substance abuse.  

Mothers who choose life almost never regret it. All it usually takes for a mother to embrace life is give her the support she needs. Abortion leaves a woman feeling broken and hopeless, but choosing life is never a mistake.  

Editor's note: This article was published by Students for Life of America News and is reprinted with permission. Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by state attorneys general concerning sharing informarion about Abortion Pill Reversal.

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